SSC Firefly

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Sideshow's interpretation of FIREFLY is/was unique while radically different from the source material. That's a given. They had their motives/reasons for doing what they did, but enough of us screamed bloody murder for them to warrant including the head in the classic camo scheme.

I'm still holding out hope that Sideshow will revisit FIREFLY in his classic camo scheme as an exclusive/variant for somewhere down the line.
Maybe for the first week or so...but after this long...I believe it is perfectly accurate to say that there are a small handful of GI Joe fans who simply want their Firefly to look like the old Hasbro 80's figure...but the huge majority find Sideshow's to be a badass interpretation.

I think you are wrong there sir. I honestly believe most Joe fans want the figures closer to the source material as possible while giving way to a little bit a modernization. Firefly is one of those characters that is so badass that some fans are willing to forgive the artic look. Beach head is a great example of old school joe with a bit of a modern look, that everybody loves. Same with the troopers.
I think you are wrong there sir. I honestly believe most Joe fans want the figures closer to the source material as possible while giving way to a little bit a modernization. Firefly is one of those characters that is so badass that some fans are willing to forgive the artic look. Beach head is a great example of old school joe with a bit of a modern look, that everybody loves. Same with the troopers.

^This. :exactly::goodpost:
I think you are wrong there sir. I honestly believe most Joe fans want the figures closer to the source material as possible while giving way to a little bit a modernization. Firefly is one of those characters that is so badass that some fans are willing to forgive the artic look. Beach head is a great example of old school joe with a bit of a modern look, that everybody loves. Same with the troopers.

:goodpost: My feelings exactly :1-1:

How do you figure?
They both bear about the same degree of resemblance to the originals in that one is a masked man in a green sweater, black vest with a red beret stuck in it and camouflaged trousers, and the other is a masked man in a grey camouflaged jacket and trousers with a green SMG and a bandolier of grenades, but if the devil can be in the details for Firefly, then the same can go for Beachhead.

Beachhead's mask is wrong, his sweater is wrong (and both are the wrong shade of green), his backpack's wrong, crossbow's wrong, vest's wrong, trousers are the wrong camouflage pattern, pistol holster's on the wrong leg, his ammunition satchel is missing and he doesn't even have an SMG but rather, an assault rifle.

Taking all that into account, I can't understand why Firefly would be singled out as some sort of travesty but Beachhead seems to pass without comment, and lest my intentions be misinterpreted here, let it be known that I like the designs of both figures.

I would love to see someone give us a sweater and sweat pants with the same camo pattern as the SSC head. I think there would be enough interest to make it worth a 1/6 tailor's while to consider such a thing. . .

Also, just as a heads up, I bought this from eBay:

and it doesn't work for Firefly IMO. But cheap if you want to give it a shot.
I've seen some Firefly kitbashes using those.
The Beachhead may have some minor details missing (pattern on pants, holster on wrong side, etc.), but Firefly is wearing a totally different type of outfit. The whole aesthetic is completely different. Clearly, in my mind, SSC was trying to stick to the source with modern updates with Beachhead while they decided to "reimagine" Firefly. Initially, Firefly was only supposed to have a black mask, which tells you more about how extreme the changes to Firefly were in the minds of SSC's creative team. Personally, I would have preferred they hold those off for a lesser character (Firefly has to be one of the top 5 most popular Cobra characters in existence).
Beachhead resembles the original figure pretty close. Color and design wise at least. Firefly doesn't. Hawk is prolly the most faithful adaption of the original figure/art.
The Beachhead may have some minor details missing (pattern on pants, holster on wrong side, etc.), but Firefly is wearing a totally different type of outfit. The whole aesthetic is completely different. Clearly, in my mind, SSC was trying to stick to the source with modern updates with Beachhead while they decided to "reimagine" Firefly. Initially, Firefly was only supposed to have a black mask, which tells you more about how extreme the changes to Firefly were in the minds of SSC's creative team. Personally, I would have preferred they hold those off for a lesser character (Firefly has to be one of the top 5 most popular Cobra characters in existence).

Sideshow definitely did right in giving us the extra Camo Head.It makes a world of difference on this figure
I would love to see someone give us a sweater and sweat pants with the same camo pattern as the SSC head. I think there would be enough interest to make it worth a 1/6 tailor's while to consider such a thing. . .

Also, just as a heads up, I bought this from eBay:

and it doesn't work for Firefly IMO. But cheap if you want to give it a shot.

That's the 21STCT URBAN SWAT camo BDU. I remember when FIREFLY came out, there was a run on the boxed figure and the carded uniform set because of the urban camo BDU. It gets scarfed up fairly quickly whenever one shows up on eBay.
The Beachhead may have some minor details missing (pattern on pants, holster on wrong side, etc.), but Firefly is wearing a totally different type of outfit.
That they're really minor details is sort of my point. ;)

The whole aesthetic is completely different.
Not seeing it. Adding a hood to Firefly's jacket is far less disruptive to the original design aesthetics than giving Beacchead green camo trousers. :gah:

Clearly, in my mind, SSC was trying to stick to the source with modern updates with Beachhead while they decided to "reimagine" Firefly.
To "stick to the source with modern updates" describes both figures.
It's as if all they took from the original Firefly to influence this figure was: urban camo pattern, wears mask, has explosives, and evil facial expression. If they hadn't released the camo head (as again, they didn't originally intend), if you showed it to a typical Joe fan, and if you didn't tell them that this was supposed to be a Joe figure, I don't think they would have immediately said to themselves, "hey, that's Firefly!"


With Beachhead, that automatically jumps to mind IMO.


Ultimately, we can only agree to disagree, but if you had a poll I'm pretty sure I know which figure would be viewed as more similar to the original character.
That they're really minor details is sort of my point. ;)

Not seeing it. Adding a hood to Firefly's jacket is far less disruptive to the original design aesthetics than giving Beacchead green camo trousers. :gah:

To "stick to the source with modern updates" describes both figures.

But Firefly was not a matter of small details. Like Kara said they were not going to gives us the camo head, and without it we would not think think of Firefly when we see it. SS version of Firefly is missing his crossed bandolier, his iconic backpack, the color of the camo is way too light for a saboteur, looks like an artic trooper. Give him a helmet matching the dark gray on his uni and he would pass for just another environment based trooper. Beach Head is Beach Head when you first see him, no doubt about it.
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It's as if all they took from the original Firefly to influence this figure was: urban camo pattern, wears mask, has explosives, and evil facial expression. If they hadn't released the camo head (as again, they didn't originally intend), if you showed it to a typical Joe fan, and if you didn't tell them that this was supposed to be a Joe figure, I don't think they would have immediately said to themselves, "hey, that's Firefly!"


With Beachhead, that automatically jumps to mind IMO.


Ultimately, we can only agree to disagree, but if you had a poll I'm pretty sure I know which figure would be viewed as more similar to the original character.

I concur.

In retrospect . . . FIREFLY's look reminds me a bit of 21STCT's villain figure T-GORE (bounty hunter) in terms of the camo and appearance to a degree.