SSC Firefly

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Well I havent been back to this thread in a while and i basically re-read everything from page Im re-informed and I have to say I'll be happy with 2 heads or 3...camoed or not. I still think this FF looks fantastic and im sticking to my "guns" I cant wait for this figure. I will say that i do prefer a black gun and will probably swap it out for something else.

As for the hoodie, I personally like the hoodie look and the patches on his arm, but i will also add that some basic more classic BDU's would look tough, but again still happy as is.
Of course. But that's not the point. If Hasbro can do an acceptable job of camo paint on $4-$7 1:18 scale figure, what is preventing Sideshow from doing a relatively acceptable (more detailed) job on their $125+ 1:6 figures??

Bottom line, if Sideshow can't pull off camo paint jobs on 1:6 heads then they don't need to be in this business. But like others, I don't think this is the case. They're likely just back-peddling because they went a bit too far off the reservation with their final Firefly design and paid for it with the feedback from most JOE fans.

Not to defend SS, but matching the camo on clothing and painting it on a head is extremly difficult. It wont look natural. If they are going to do camo on a head, they should do something like Snake Eyes and give him a cloth that matches the outfit.
Well I havent been back to this thread in a while and i basically re-read everything from page Im re-informed and I have to say I'll be happy with 2 heads or 3...camoed or not. I still think this FF looks fantastic and im sticking to my "guns" I cant wait for this figure. I will say that i do prefer a black gun and will probably swap it out for something else.

As for the hoodie, I personally like the hoodie look and the patches on his arm, but i will also add that some basic more classic BDU's would look tough, but again still happy as is.

Yeah, but it could have looked better. Just look at Seb's kitbash. I know you cant compare a kitbash to a mass produced item, but they should have gone that route,and making it faithful to the original instead of the re-imagening. In this figure they went way, way, off the mark. Look at Duke, Cobra Trooper, Storm Shadow, Flint, they look like the originals, with modern thrown in there. Firefly looks like the reverse.
Of course. But that's not the point. If Hasbro can do an acceptable job of camo paint on $4-$7 1:18 scale figure, what is preventing Sideshow from doing a relatively acceptable (more detailed) job on their $125+ 1:6 figures??

Bottom line, if Sideshow can't pull off camo paint jobs on 1:6 heads then they don't need to be in this business. But like others, I don't think this is the case. They're likely just back-peddling because they went a bit too far off the reservation with their final Firefly design and paid for it with the feedback from most JOE fans.

Not so sure if I really want to see what Sideshow's factory "airbrushing" skills look like. I, for one, would much rather have them test that out on a figure less substantial than Firefly before jumping in guns blazing. While Buttmunch brought up Darth Maul, I'm willing to bet there was a template involved and he was only two colors. Cammo is a lot harder to pull off with templates, let alone free handed.
There would still only be too colors involed right? The charcoal grey and a lighter grey. I'd assume they'd just have a template of the lighter grey to be put in the different areas where it is needed.

Plus Sideshow has been weathering the Clone Troopers. I can't imagine a camo pattern would be harder than the Clone colors + weathering to do. And like others said, other companies seem to be able to do it just fine.

A second head really ought to happen. If it sucks, there is the original head still included and the extra camo head you could have repainted without having to track down a second head to have them both. That sounds win win to me. Even if you aren't happy with the camo results it will still make things a little better than them not trying at all.
There would still only be too colors involed right? The charcoal grey and a lighter grey. I'd assume they'd just have a template of the lighter grey to be put in the different areas where it is needed.

Plus Sideshow has been weathering the Clone Troopers. I can't imagine a camo pattern would be harder than the Clone colors + weathering to do. And like others said, other companies seem to be able to do it just fine.

A second head really ought to happen. If it sucks, there is the original head still included and the extra camo head you could have repainted without having to track down a second head to have them both. That sounds win win to me. Even if you aren't happy with the camo results it will still make things a little better than them not trying at all.

Unless the head is sculpted in gray, there'll be 3 colors, base coat +2. Might be even more if they try to match the black patches too. And no, weathering the clones is considerably easier and not nearly as complex as precisely matching a disruptive pattern. As for what others have said, you gotta take a long, hard look at those 1:18 cammo paint jobs and ask yourself if you'd approve of that exact job in 1:6 and at a $100+ price point. If you say "no" then don't use them as a comparison. What looks good in 1:18 would very well wind up looking like oblong polka-dots or bigassed stains in 1:6.
Yeah, but it could have looked better. Just look at Seb's kitbash. I know you cant compare a kitbash to a mass produced item, but they should have gone that route,and making it faithful to the original instead of the re-imagening. In this figure they went way, way, off the mark. Look at Duke, Cobra Trooper, Storm Shadow, Flint, they look like the originals, with modern thrown in there. Firefly looks like the reverse.

I have seen Seb's kit bash of FF and while of course it does look awesome and probably more true to the classic FF figure. I think easier to put all the details into one single figure than to have several hundred roll off the assembly line and look correct or exactly the same...especially dealing with camo as stated above.
I have seen Seb's kit bash of FF and while of course it does look awesome and probably more true to the classic FF figure. I think easier to put all the details into one single figure than to have several hundred roll off the assembly line and look correct or exactly the same...especially dealing with camo as stated above.

Too many forget that it's a lot easier to look at a fantastic custom and say, "Here's how it's done Sideshow!" But the reality is, there's an Asian sitting at a table that paints umpteen heads an hour (sometimes multiple people handle different aspects of a single head, eyes - pupils, iris, whites, hair, one for each cammo color, etc), not one customizer meticulously pining over the painting of a single head over the course of a couple+ days.
I can't fathom how painting camo on a head could be hard enough to avoid... unless they're more worried about the camo matching the cloth camo which could actually be a problem color-wise.
It is still just crazy for them to think it is too hard to paint camo when they got a major military themed license here. They'd have to do camo paint eventually. Sure matching the color to the fabric might be difficult, but I'm positive they can at least get very close.
I was trying to be nice... but yeah. Sideshow seems to be very defeatist. I always hear them saying how things aren't possible*.

*or more specifically that it would either cost too much or wouldn't look good.
It is still just crazy for them to think it is too hard to paint camo when they got a major military themed license here. They'd have to do camo paint eventually. Sure matching the color to the fabric might be difficult, but I'm positive they can at least get very close.

I was trying to be nice... but yeah. Sideshow seems to be very defeatist. I always hear them saying how things aren't possible*.

*or more specifically that it would either cost too much or wouldn't look good.

That's not at all what they said at all. What they said makes complete sense, and that's coming up with something that can be efficiently and acceptably duplicated in mass production.
The sad simple truth about Sideshow, more and more, is that they will skimp, cut corners, or generally just be lazy.
The only real stumble so far is Firefly, and the problem there seems to be too much enthusiasm, not too little.

As a figure, Firefly continues the standard they've set. It's just like you said, that over enthusiasm in modernizing the guy almost too much. I still see Firefly as a foundation though and some minor tweaking (a mere BDU swap) will bring him out of hiding.