SSC Firefly

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Ok here is an update on the backpack I found a good source of 1/6th scale straps and buckles so decided to improve the look of the backpack. I added buckles so it is easier to get the backpack on as well as a strap and buckle to hold on the C4. There are straps added to the smoke grenade and the small pouches as well. I also gave it a quick weathering job. If you are interested in getting a backpack please pm me because I would like to offer these up to you guys. It will look great on the new firefly coming out or your own custom built one. I tried to make it as close to the original design as possible. On to the pics.

shot of the back of the backpack with the newly added straps and buckles

and with items and buckles undone

Front shot of the backpack with the buckles undone.

shots of the backpack on a figure to show what it will look like on.

On no you've turned! :eek

For them I guess it works. I've come to terms with the fact that folks might want this while I want that. Either way it's cool with me as long they don't Indiana Rings the whole line.:horror
I do agree with Evil here that the pack suits more to our customs as SSC's is it's own animal.

It will be awesome to have classic and modern side by side. :rock

Dig the BP a lot and glad to see those much needed tools in there and the dynamite is freakin awesome. Also dig that you gave him the detonators or whatnot on his leg. It's the little details that really make these figures realistic! Great stuff, Face! :rock2
Kewl thanks. I need to put some updated ones up. I swapped him to a SatToys body and gave him some boots closer to the original.
Nice! I like the Pro on some figures but not on others. There it looked pretty good but I hate it on my trooper. Damn short torso.

Hadn't seen the Road Warrior fig yet and that T1 T-800 is drool-worthy!

Looking forward to updated FF pics!

Haven't really begun my FF, though I've got a few things I can use. While one of my favorite Cobras he's third on my Mercs list ATM.
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Yea, I like the pro too. The sat made him a little taller and the sat figure takes HT feet too which are a lot cheaper than pro feet.
As for max, will be getting one of TA's custom heads. The one I have is a bit small and the paint sucks on it lol.
Yea, I like the pro too. The sat made him a little taller and the sat figure takes HT feet too which are a lot cheaper than pro feet.

As mediocre as the Pro can be I don't get what they are doing w/ the feet. It's like they want to be HT w/ some figures and Dragon w/ others. All depends on what boots they can reuse I guess.

As for max, will be getting one of TA's custom heads. The one I have is a bit small and the paint sucks on it lol.

Been eyeing the TA MM head myself. Not sure I have all I'd need for Max outfit-wise so I may pass. But damn the sculpt looks badass and it's Toy Angst so you know they'll come through on the purchase!