SSC G.I. Joe Black Dragon Ninja

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Solid figure. The EX head is not as nice as the proto pics, but that's too be expected.

I'm not happy with the head wrap I got; I don't think it was cut or tailored properly and is slightly too short.


I have the same issue with my head wrap. It doesn't even slightly mimick the head wrap in the proto shots.
Or the power rangers. Ninja sentai FTW!


Ninja did it come to this???

I really liked how they wrapped my figure. I was frustrated that I had to undue it to get the ex head on.
In the process of porting him over the a TT narrow, but he is pretty much a clone ninja. Even has the officer rifle. He shoulda came with an enclosed glass case...gonna be driving the Dust Bunnies wild.
Also, in addition to my poorly dressed Black Dragon Ninja, I got two gloved right hands...and I must have gotten figures from same factory worker because I got Zartan on the same day and his stand came minus the plastic peg cover.

Need to send a e-mail to Sideshow.
I WON'T be buying another Ninja Variant

Its time for Snow Serpents,B.A.T.S,and Eels now!
lol. Looks good. I wish I had some tabi boots.

In all honesty, the tabi boots are not so great. The figure can't get good footing (no pun intended) with them on since they're baggy. The plus is that I get ankle articulation from hot toys feet with your foot peg adapters.

I might try these out in the future:


Also, in addition to my poorly dressed Black Dragon Ninja, I got two gloved right hands...and I must have gotten figures from same factory worker because I got Zartan on the same day and his stand came minus the plastic peg cover.

Need to send a e-mail to Sideshow.

Ha, I got two left gloved hands. Sideshow Fail.

I could trade you but I think Sideshow should make up for it.
Finally pieced mine together. Did a TT narrow port, not that it's overly noticable but I can't stand the Pros. Even without ratchet knees it's still rather limited.
Only complaint I have is I just wish Sideshow gave the gaunlets longer straps. Didn't quite have enough to hang myself when having to try and tie them back up.

My current temp pose.



Nice work:clap that last pic would have made for a great teaser image. The only thing about this awesome figure that make me wonder is what they used such large scale rope to tie around his body, It looks like shoe string:(