SSC General Hawk

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I ordered the EX, but this might be the first EX I cancel and pass on. The overseas cap just doesn't seem to have that "Wow" factor about it (especially with the price of Joes going up).
I think if the sculpt was completly different with a different experession or something I would be more interested, but this is one where I think I would always use the hatless sculpt anyway.
dont see how hawk exclusive any different than beach head exclusive. nice to own but will stay in box.

IMO beachhead exclusive is different enough that I like to use it on occassion. been about 50/50 so far in display time.
Beachhead is and always will be masked to me, even though I have the Elite Edition.

I think Hawks exclusive head is far more useful.
I believe he was nam as well. If it was, that is why he was banned again.

I liked him being around as well. Had a lot of military knowledge.
Also kept the whiny newbs at bay... I like the dude and I'll miss derailing threads with him.

Yep, the boards are already less colourful.

pretty sad, its a message board people take way to serious.

Sometimes its like North Korea in here
Well in the Joe section we all roll with it. Nothing is serious business. But the rest of the board it too high strung.
the only Elite Joe I own is Duke, every other one hasnt seemed worth it, the double headsculpt is also meh to me.

I am on the fence about Hawk, to me the Joes are 1 for 1, I might wait for actual in hand pics of Hawk.

Flints exclusive shotgun is a must
Storm Shadows 'chucks are the exclusive to have.
Red Ninjas exclusive head is awesome.
Cobra Commanders exclusive staff is awesome.
Dukes exclusive 'noculars are awesome.
Beachheads exclusive head is nice.
Stalkers exclusive sweater is nice.
Hawks exclusive head is nice.
Snake Eyes exclusive punch dagger is weak.
Dustys exclusive rocket is the weakest.

But they all are a must to be Elite.