SSC Helmeted Cobra Commander

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i have a Kerberos Panzer helmet that i was thinking about trying to mod... would need a bit of work but sizing is about right i think, its not as big as actual WWii german helmets... anyone think it has potential?
if anyone wants to have a go & can cast them if it works out give me a shout, i have enough on my plate & im never going to get back into casting.
Glad I got the parts I needed from Monkey Depot. I'll have a better CC for about half the price of Sideshow's and a more accurate bashed together Cobra Viper/Trooper helmet.

i dont see how a cobra trooper helmet is going to look more accurate... less vaderish yes.
has anyone got the helmet part off a viper head yet? to me it looks like the chrome part is too big for the commander...
CC arrived yesterday and I'm really happy with this figure out of the box, especially after the issues that came with Major Bludd. Sure there are a few things that are off with the mask/helmet, but overall I'm very happy with this release. Baroness arrives today, and from what I've seen in her thread this was a great week to be a Sideshow Joe collector. :yess:
Got my cc i think who ever didn't get this well be missing out on a great add on to there cobra team and really lookes better in hand..its a most have.
So what where the Pro bodies that had the decent knee design? I know the earliest ones were loose, then there was the ratchet period. I think it was after the ratchet that we got the well designed knees before these horrid rubber ones.

I know I bought some loose Joe bodies that were great... but at the time I didn't make note of which ones I purchased.
Nice work Evilface. i was thinking of using Bludd's or CG's shoes too and now that I see them on I will have to hunt one down.
Those Bludd shoes really do look good... but I think you'd need to get the stirrups going to keep from seeing the tops of them.

I really this figure despite it having it's flaws. I really have to get off of my *** and order it.