Aren't all the Jack Burton figures Exclusive (to SSC)?
Hmmmmm, could be....
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Aren't all the Jack Burton figures Exclusive (to SSC)?
Been a while since I've been on here and maybe it's already been said, but Chris Pratt as the new Jack Burton would've been quite acceptable.
Been a while since I've been on here and maybe it's already been said, but Chris Pratt as the new Jack Burton would've been quite acceptable.
Kurt wouldn't do it. It's the reason he never returned as Snake. He only saw Snake as an ex soldier in his prime. So I assume he may see Jack the same way.
EFNY, The Thing and BTINLC are perfect on their own. EFLA showed once was enough. Just let sleeping dogs lie.
True....I like EFLA, but I always felt it was ‘Campy’ where as I never felt EFNY was. It may have had some comedic moments but it wasn’t ‘Campy’.
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EFLA was a good concept in a vacuum, the problem is it's the same exact film as the first one. I know most sequels do that, but still. It was to the point where I just cannot not acknowledge it the entire time.
You could peel away sections of it and make it more bearable. I only watch it for Kurt, since he made Snake more of a POS in that one where as he was more caring in the first one of people like when he asks the President how he feels about the people that died to save him.
I dread the Robert Rodriquez reboot of EFNY...
Carpenter was anti-capitalist his whole career and then turns around and pulls a capitalist move by selling all his rights away. Typical Hollywood.
Oh hell I didn’t know they were making a EFNY reboot, Jesus the Hollywood well really has run dry. Is no one writing new stories??
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It's been in development hell for about a decade now, but it's moving forward now... unfortunately. No word on who's playing Snake, but if I could pick anyone... maybe Kurt's son. I don't know his acting ability, but he's a ******* clone of his father.
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