Good point, the movie series is a joke. I have many SS Joe's so don't get me wrong...
Let me ask you this... do you think the SS ARAH Joes are worth HT prices?
I paid under a hundred for most of my cobras and a little over a hundred for Duke, beachhead, Hawk, black dude forgot his name...
Anyways I could never affored the original snake eyes and storm shadow so I'm glad either way to get them now!
To be honest with opinion is that both companies have their issues, but the reason that I prefer Sideshow is two-fold.
1) As some of the guys here might be tired of hearing me say...I could not care less if an action figure looks like the actor who stood in for the character in a movie or the artist's rendition of the character in a comic book or cartoon. In fact, I prefer it NOT to look like the actor because likeness rights just drive up the cost of the figure. What I want is a good representation of the character. And as in the case of the HT Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow...they are excellent copies of the movie versions...but I feel that Sideshow's offerings capture the nature of the characters better.
2) If I am going to pay a bundle for a stupid action figure...I want it to last. I don't care if a detail on a belt gets glued crooked and I have to remove and re-glue it. That is no big deal to me. But when a critical aspect outright breaks when it should not, I don't like that. And I am not talking about an item that is obviously delicate like a lightsaber. I am talking about something that I expect to hold up to actual playing with (these are "action figures") like the mannequin. And literally 20% of the mannequins of the figures that I bought from both Hot Toys AND Medicom have been way too fragile. I had an alien have the hip break, An Iron Man had a hip break and another had the torso midsection's color fade, my Aliens Loader had the pins snap off without any use of the item. I had 2 clones and a black hole stormtrooper from Medicom that the feet broke on. And there were others as well. And I have over 200 figures between the Sideshow Star Wars, GI Joe, and LOTR lines and I have had 1 mannequin of theirs break on me. And that was just the ball joint on the ankle of my Obi-Clone. And the Buck that everyone hates so much used to come with elbow joints glued so they could not move...but they could be loosened by really jacking down on bending the joint with no fear of it breaking.
Now, admittedly, the last non-Sideshow figure I bought was the Cleaner Version of the Wolf Predator. I have since sold off all of my Hot Toys and Medicom. They may have made massive improvements in this area. But once bitten (or in this case, about 10 times bitten), twice shy.
To simplify my reply...I feel that Sideshow's figures are worth more than Hot Toys'. I am not in the (admittedly huge) majority that find Hot Toys to be a better action figure company than Sideshow. For what I want in an action figure...make mine Sideshow.
As a disclaimer...I do not intend this post to be a big Medicom/Hot Toys hate fest. I understand that I am different from most people on what I want in a figure. And I realize that there is a reason so very many people prefer Hot Toys. I am simply not one of them.