Premium Format SSC Thor PF and Destroyer Maquette

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I'm on the fence on this one....

I haveto be selective cause I have a few on order as it is and I don't think I will be ordering Thor cause although it is really well done and the likeness is great, just not a huge fan....however, Destroyer looks awesome but spending 500 bucks on it is a bit crazy, although with Flexpay probably be divided in 5 payments which brings the whole thing to about $100 a month or $25 bucks a week.....

With War Machine, Gollum, Pred bust, Hulk Comiquette and Neytiri coming, can I spend another $500 on something?

I don't know.........
:gah: :gah: :gah: :gah: :gah: :gah: :gah: :gah: :gah: :gah:
I prefer to get the Thor PF to the Destroyer maquette. I don't understand why people were originally so hard on the initial teaser pic of the Thor. This PF is easily one of the best PFs to date. Well, as long as it comes off looking as nice as the production photos.

Moving along, as awesome as Jay is, he is no Eli26. But he can certainly live under my shadow. :1-1:
Waiting you, is easy and is beautiful ... la la la la la .... la la la la la ... la la la la la la la la la ...
Better than Black Panther PF, Gambit PF, Rogue PF, She-Hulk PF?

Dammit, the chicken got in my way!

