SSC TPM Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Padawan

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Yup, and it was so bad and different from his real look, Lucas made an official announcement that McGreggor would have his hair and beard intact for the ROTS pickups and no wigs. TPM was bad but the AOTC hair and beard were so bad and the bears looked so fake, plus it looked fuller than Ewan wore his natural beard.

Thanks, for the info MaulFan. I didn't know about that. I know that in ROTJ the actor who played General Madine wore a fake beard. The reason was that the action figure had been made with a beard and they had to make the character match!
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I had never really paid attention to the fake beard thing until I saw it mentioned here... but now anytime I watch the movie its just painfully obvious when they switch between the two.

Made that crappy movie even worse... but does give it a small entertainment boost :lol
He had the real beard for the Geonosis arena, but some scenes like the elevator up to Padme's apartment are awful, as well as when he gives Anakin his lightsaber back.
He actually has the fake beard and hair for a shot in the arena as well, which is surprising because it's a short, unnecessary reaction shot, not even sure why they bothered shooting it or putting it in.



I really like the sculpt Trev did for Ep 2 Obi-Wan, but I wish the Ep 2 figure had been a fresh sculpt so maybe we could have gotten his more slicked back style hair as an alternate look.








as well as when he gives Anakin his lightsaber back.

This part of the movie is a real shame, for one, because Obi-Wan looks horrible with the fake beard and hair, but more so, Ewan's performance in the original take that was used in the trailer was much better.


Huh, learn something every day. Didn't know E McG had some fakes during shooting.
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What the hell? I never knew that. So the scene from the trailer had good hair AND a better delivery and George thought, "wait, let's make Ewan look stupid and see if he can act worse??"

George's choices for takes and lines is baffling, AOTC is quite bad in this regard. The trailer had a great take of Ewan shouting the whole bit about driving through the power beams, and the actual film version sounds fake and not at all like it's coming out of Obi-Wan as his lips move. I don't get spoiled by trailers on plotlines and events, I'm always surprised by the final films, but often, especially Star Wars, trailers show you alternate takes that don't end up in the film and a lot of times, they're the better take. I think I get more bothered by the bad takes because I've had an example of it being better.

You can see the original take of the club scene in this trailer.

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Just updated my post. It's not the this weapon line that they show, but as good as what they show is, I have a feeling it was all better than the theatrical cut.
Ewan is f'n awesome in all the Prequels, regardless of what people think. He was a wonderful Obi-Wan! He had fun making those films, and doesn't mind his SW connection.

The ONLY part that sucks, is that fake beard in AOTC. That's it! I noticed it the 1st time I saw the films. Terrible choice by Lucas to think that this was at all believable.
Good to see more about this, the interview on the last page sounds promising!

This is my grail. The figure i've always wanted.
I hope SST pulls this one off as well as the other Kenobi's, the hair though looks too flat to me, seems like it should be more spiky but that is hard to do well in 1/6...

we are due for a new pre order....THIS and Grievous SHOULD be due soon ;)

I imagine if this is really going to have a light-up lightsaber they may hold onto him until SDCC. Could be wrong, but that would make a pretty big splash.