SSC TPM Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Padawan

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If they don't just use the light saber from the ep.2 Obi! Shouldn't be that hard to find.
Dear Obi,

Instead of something awesome in the news letter, like an announcement that we could soon preorder you. We got another clone announcement. This makes me real :mad:.



What a shame, this could have been a cool figure, but it doesn't look like McGregor. I doubt any other photos will change my mind. Pass. :(

I wish Hot Toys would handle all future human SW figures.
Doesn't look that bad. Lighting doesn't seem to help get a good impression of the likeness (nose looks big in that shot) but i'm confident future pics will do it more justice.
Hopefully it looks better in different shots/angles. I thought McGregor was a slam dunk for them.

Hopefully. They've been getting a lot better with their production and paint lately on the Joes that I was really looking forward to this. Yeah, same here, seeing as their past McGregor Ben's have been pretty good likeness' really.
Han Kenobi?

EU back story? Han the bastard son of Obi?

I smell Lucas handy work all over this! :panic: