SSC TPM Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Padawan

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Nice. Kid Obiwan it bought. AOTC Anakin soon????

The likeness is actually pretty good. That is not a great shot or lighting. I painted this one for Sideshow. Trust me, you want to wait for full reveal on this one. It's one of Sideshow's best 1/6 figures yet.

Sorry man, he has already made up his mind.
The likeness is actually pretty good. That is not a great shot or lighting. I painted this one for Sideshow. Trust me, you want to wait for full reveal on this one. It's one of Sideshow's best 1/6 figures yet.

great to hear. :clap
I'll wait for the full reveal, but the likeness does look off based on that pic.


Alright! At last!

Can't wait to see the full gallery on this one...hoping there's a cloak in a few shots. Very interested in seeing how that Pro neck-head combo look from the side. Cut-n-sew look outstanding here...
Looks good.I admit the face doesnt scream Ewan like the AOTC version but still...will PO him.
Some crazy detail to the left hand too...
Looking forward to some Cloak pics and the light up sabre effect :)

I hope the Exclusive is Prequel Yoda ;) lol
Another reveal? Looks like they are revealing everything before SDCC this year. That's Vader, Snowtrooper, Bossk, Obi-Wan and the Airbourne Trooper. I can't imagine we'll get anything else, except maybe HT Han or Anakin.

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this is one of those times im happy they didnt hit it out of the park in my opinion, i already have a custom obi-wan(Clone Wars early-CGI Costume) and only really want a Ben and a ROTS obi-wan(preferably either HT or a much better updated one from SSC) ..i was worried that i would see this and want it...not the case(from this one pic)
The likeness is actually pretty good. That is not a great shot or lighting. I painted this one for Sideshow. Trust me, you want to wait for full reveal on this one. It's one of Sideshow's best 1/6 figures yet.

Thanks for posting this, Surfer! I'll take your word over those judging from one bad photo.