Re: SSC Voltron: Defenders of the Universe Maquette
Here we go
Here we go

For $1250 I would've wanted Voltron's head at least 27".
It's the same creative team as Avatar.
Well then let's look at the details on the Sentinel and Galactus maquettes. Both very detailed and about 30" tall. They were $900 and $800 respectively. So now the price tag is raised AND the statue is smaller?
Well put, Phastroh.
Clearly the argument between those who think it's overpriced or priced right is never going to be coming to an end anytime soon.
The statue in very intricate with detail galore inside the lions shells and all over the statue. Comparing it with the height of others is not a good way to prove anything to someone looking at it from a detail point of view. The difficulty of producing different pieces is unknown to most people. Some statues that are taller are not near the detail and small pieces that get painted in high detail. In this thought process a Yugo and Mercedes should cost the same if the are the same size.
I can also say that the price reflects features we don't even know yet.
So when you see the price you have to consider there are more features than they said plus inflation plus you really don't know the process it undergoes to get completed. On top of that we also don't know the cost to get that license.
In the end the 2 camps of too much and just right I guess have a point but I personally think the price is not that bad and paying $140 a month is peanuts for this work of fraking art. Every time I see those up close pix I'm like dang how can the even make and paint that thing, it must take a long time.
Additionally I don't plan on using the light up features all the time but it is a nice touch when someone comes over a flips out when they see it.
Just wondering where youre getting that bit from...
I'm with you, watching this series really has me itching to pull the trigger. I'm trying to wait until I see the displays at SDCC and upcoming Wonderfest before I decide whether or not to jump on. It does look incredible. Would love if the art print was included. Looks awesome too.Wanting to pre-order this more and more as I watch the show. Just finished episode 5. I hope Netflix revives some other classic animated shows.
Basing your preorder on the expectation that SS will add a light-up function (or anything really) to a statue isn't a smart move. Vader was a fluke situation in which collectors ended up getting what should have been included from the initial announcement. Sideshow hasn't made it a habit to put a piece up for preorder then add value to it after the fact. If you're happy spending $1250 on Voltron as-is then more power to you, but don't order because you hope they'll add more lights or features.
?? I myself did not do that but I think Sideshow is going to add those light up features to these statues. The past designs were not suspicious like these new ones. If I'm wrong I don't care but I think I'll be right.
I do agree not to order hoping for extra features but I don't think anyone is doing that. I ordered Voltron because the statue is badarse period.
Basing your preorder on the expectation that SS will add a light-up function (or anything really) to a statue isn't a smart move. Vader was a fluke situation in which collectors ended up getting what should have been included from the initial announcement. Sideshow hasn't made it a habit to put a piece up for preorder then add value to it after the fact. If you're happy spending $1250 on Voltron as-is then more power to you, but don't order because you hope they'll add more lights or features.