Your entitled to your opinion, just like we all are.![]()
Am I the only one who likes this figure here? It looks amazing.
Gotta say the toxicity here is disappointing. It's a harmless toy. No need to be childish and attack people for it.
Your entitled to your opinion, just like we all are.![]()
Am I the only one who likes this figure here? It looks amazing.
Gotta say the toxicity here is disappointing. It's a harmless toy. No need to be childish and attack people for it.
Your entitled to your opinion, just like we all are.
I like the figure for the wrong reasons, its been entertaining watching the mess unfold. Some I know are bored, getting there myself.Am I the only one who likes this figure here?
Gotta say the toxicity here is disappointing. It's a harmless toy. No need to be childish and attack people for it.
Wait so him having an opinion is just an opinion but everyone else disagreeing with his opinion is trolling?
Yes nick body scanned sly recently
Arnie is supposedly 6'2'' or he was in his prime. Sly is 5' 9½" Although some doubt he is that tall.
Deano Americano is a cry baby indeed, he is blocking anyone on OSR who gives him a crying emoji or comments in the negative on his posts regarding this figureWatched deans vid and watched justins review.
Firstly dean what a crybaby jesus.
Its all good when people agree with him but have your own opinion and you are a troll.
If that is disrespectful than maybe nick shouldnt be breaking off disrespect to the people he wants to sell to either.
And if you give figures to 5year olds like nick does, then by all means they shouldn't have metal knives but this is an Adult collectable.
Plus lets ban all knives or small sharp objects that may cause damage then.
Hey lets give rambo flowers while were at it.
That is total bs they cheaped out on the knife and made a bad plastic one.
Neither showed it in his hand.
Look at what's shown proto and what they made
Plus dean didnt address the sculpt being wrong just the paint apps around the eyes. So the company vasucalky are trying to do damage limitation but wont or cant at this point retool and do another sculpt.
Wish they would so I can buy it.
It is what it is and can only see the mass produced ones being worse.
Also saying people wanted this to fail is not entirely true.
Yes some did, me not being one.
I didnt preorder this or the threezero as both have issues imo.
Held off on the rambo 3 from threezero until they did a second run and fixed the horrible proto sculpt.
If this company KP and Slyshop learn by others then they gotta take the critics opinions as they are the ones who will buy or not.
Trying to be manipulative or gain sympathy is just pathetic, you make or try to sell something people are gunna tell you if it aint right.
The customer is always right.
If you choose to ignore that or try and trick people you will be exposed.
Justin is a coward sat back let dean take the heat and then did his review as usual but adding its honest opinion blah blah.
It did look better in justins vid only because it is always spinning and lit better.
Compared to the arnie dx10 it looks massive.
Yes nick body scanned sly recently but hes not that big in 1981/82 when first blood was filmed in my eyes anyway.
This is all opinion if people want to get the figure then they will no matter what.
Let's tow the company line and if you don't agree and say the figure isn't good you are a troll, toxic or attention seeking! I've heard it all before![]()
Am I the only one who likes this figure here? It looks amazing.
Gotta say the toxicity here is disappointing. It's a harmless toy. No need to be childish and attack people for it.
All famous people make out that they are taller than they are , Mike Tyson was listed as 5ft 11in on many websites. I've stood next to him ,I'm 5ft 11in and he is shorter than me . I think Nick is a pip squeak of a person so Stallone would probably be a giant in comparison or maybe sly is wearing cuban heels like Tom ( we are Aliens) CruiseI don't believe that for a second.
Unless Nick means it figuratively -- like, he was checking Sly's body out.
I know he's not, I've stood next to him. Still, Rambo is not supposed to be a really tall figure like the Terminator.
Or Sly just didn't want his figure to be shor-- er, accurately scaled.They probably weren't interested in maintaining scale with any other particular figures.
That's what's so weird about this, the digital sculpts were anything but soft. Look at the hair on this render versus the final product. What happened? Did something change in development or were their factories not able to reproduce this level of detail?I dont think this figure looks bad, Im not a total fan of the sculpt. Considering the amazingness that Dino is capable of (if he even sculpted this), it just looks soft and a little odd.
Yes and he is also deleted many of the comments from the unboxing vid on you tube that even have a whiff of negativity.Deano Americano is a cry baby indeed, he is blocking anyone on OSR who gives him a crying emoji or comments in the negative on his posts regarding this figure![]()
I'd have to agree that Nick wants all negativity supressed and it is a condition of getting more figures exclusively to review.Dean and Justin bought it on themselves. it is a alright figure, the body, outfit and the walking pose is decent. It's just the head sculpt thats not very good. The way those two went on about how good it was and awarded it 10 out of 10 and both seemed to be reading from the same script was the issue.
I used to watch both these guys for reviews because they always got figures before anybody else, especially Justin. I like Deans horror collection and how he poses his figures. Probably the conditions of getting the figure was a glowing review and a pre prepared script to read from. Suppose its ok if you have a small youtube channel but Justin has 500-000 subscribers. He slaughtered the new Star Ace Homelander figure which I probably would have bought blind if it wasn't for his review, so if you're reading Justin we like your reviews but keep them honest mate. Dean, if you're reading stick to horror figures and the poses, it's quite unique and enjoyable.
If you are referring to Chung, he passed away recently. I don't know the details.So where's DFC? I thought he'd be having a field day with this release...
I've been following the thread (it was funnier before the figure was actually released...) and watched the reviews, and while not a bad figure, it's certainly not a 10/10. It looks about on par with most of KP's releases, which are not bad, except for not-up-to-latest-standards paint apps and likeness.
I think the whole outfit and accessories look pretty cool (except for the knife, that is). As some have already stated, there was just too much hyperbole and over-the-top claims leading up to the release, and that just guarantees an equally vocal response once reality fails to meet expectations.
I think if I were a Rambo fan I would get this figure after the reviews. It may not be perfect, but it's a fine rendition of the character.