The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
So has this started shipping?
No, not yet.
So has this started shipping?
I was never happy with the initial sculpt in certain angles. Shown here is the best of the bunch of proto pics and does have a good likeness.I agree that a sculpt which is fundamentally flawed should be redone. But there's allot going on here with the paint apps that impact the perception of this particular sculpt. Changing up the tone of the skin and removing the red tones and heavy gloss in and around his eyes will make a HUGE difference in its appearance and his perceived expression. Dry brush the hair to give it the highlights that would be there naturally and that removes that dull finish that places too much emphasis on the strands. A descent sculpt captures the essence of a character, but the paint apps have to bring it to life.
Yeah and add some green cord / string around the handle. Should look good.I might repaint the knife. It's an easy repaint that even I can pull off, hopefully. It's just two colors. It'll look very nice. The knife's shape is very good.
I was never happy with the initial sculpt in certain angles. Shown here is the best of the bunch of proto pics and does have a good likeness.
Next to it a screenshot from justins vid.
Hopefully the revised paint brings out the best of the sculpt.
Yes the eyes are too glossy and maybe the irises are too big comparing side by side, giving it a dead eyed or stoned look.
I hope they take note not only for the people who have paid already but to future customers.
Pride always comes before a fall and I can concede i've done my fair share of trolling but they should harden the **** up and at least take the constructive criticism and improve their product.
The oversized body, pleather boots, plastic knife, (sheath looks good) I can live with but the head makes or breaks it.
Can't wait to see him holding the box from 10 feet away while he talks about the importance of the head sculpt.
Yeah he gave the Three zero one a great review and fair play to him for comparing the sculpts. No comparasion. The Stallone one looks like cheap crap. The Bug eyes and paint are terrible.Justin's review of the Threezero Rambo III figure shows how crap Nicky's headsculpt looks in comparison View attachment 593986
Remember this ? Back in February Nicky on his Instagram said " it's selling out fast act quickly " and " only a 45 day pre order window then the price will rise from $260 to $290 " . Well here we are over six months later and it's still up for pre order on Stallone Shop ! Fact is , it's not selling well at all. Stallone Shop's foray into 1/6th scale figure business has been a disaster, from the comical promotion by Nick cordasco to the finished product. Hot Toys prices for a sub par headsculpt, bad paint , lack of accessories , pay in full upfront and overpriced. This figure hasn't sold many pre orders and because of that Stallone Shop won't risk wasting money making more figures and will abandon this venture. I can't see Cobra being released.Oh Nick...
*Pre order is available for the next 45 days,