Bbts has him on clearance for $158 and free shipping too! Great price for a cool figure!
It is still $185 when I looked.
Bbts has him on clearance for $158 and free shipping too! Great price for a cool figure!
If that's real, then someone go for it! He's 100% worth it.
Dave said in the Mad-Eye thread that the kids sold really well. Not sure about the adult characters though.
I will finally have my first figures from this line all by next week.
I got the last Harry from EE for $158 and free shipping!Decided to cancel the one I had on order from SSC and use the money to get Harry now instead of in a few months (I change my mind a lot
). I am glad no cancellation fees applied, I thought they would have, so I get to save some money. I ordered Ron from ebay for $200 and he should be here next week. Then I just shipped my Pile of Loot that includes Voldemort and that too should be here next week!
I do not think it is. I looked in there clearance section for the deal then searched on the site and it still says $185. Entertainment Earth has one in stock left for the $158 free shipping though. I would go for it but got my Harry on payment plan through SSC.
Oops, sorry, it was entertainment earth, not big bad toy store!
Looks like someone got it for that price at least!
These are just so ridiculously amazing. I'm so upset they came so late in the game.![]()
You mean like Back to the Future, Batman 66 & 89, Terminator, Robocop - all those other late comers?
And Fantastic Beasts comes out next year. It's hardly too late for Harry Potter.