This line is pretty dangerous. Love HP so much, idk if I can say no to very many of them!

This line is pretty dangerous. Love HP so much, idk if I can say no to very many of them!
This line is pretty dangerous. Love HP so much, idk if I can say no to very many of them!
If Star Ace keeps up with the ten figures a year for this line, what are everyone's guesses for next year?
Assuming we get Hagrid, Dumbledore, Quidditch Harry, Quidditch Malfoy and Yule Ball Hermione in 2016 that would leave five slots open.
I would like to see Snape, Bellatrix, Dolby/Nagini two pack (odd, but both to me would not really warrant a full release, maybe a combo pack with some misc. accessories for $200-$220 could work, one that I would buy), then Deathly Hallows Harry/Ron/Hermione.
If you truly love the movies you should make space in the collection for them! That's what I had to do.
You mean like Back to the Future, Batman 66 & 89, Terminator, Robocop - all those other late comers?
And Fantastic Beasts comes out next year. It's hardly too late for Harry Potter.
Take your pick:
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In addition to the ones previewed, I'd guess either Year 1 casual Hermione, Dumbledore v.2 (whichever of Harris or Gambon isn't made first), Snape, McGonagall, Bellatrix and older Harry/Ron/Hermione (perhaps Year 5 or 6 uniforms like in the picture and not necessarily casual Deathly Hallows versions quite yet). Lucius, Ginny, Neville, Luna, the twins, and the Lupins are probably less likely at the moment, but hopefully we'll get all of them and more as long as the line continues to be successful.
But I'll support that any day of the year over a house party protocol iron man collection!
I mean I'm not looking to recreate all 8 movies having every single character like some of you!
But I'll support that any day of the year over a house party protocol iron man collection!