Star Ace Toys: 1:8 Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

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Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

I'm surprised honestly that HT is delving into the Marvel Netflix stuff but not the DC TV stuff. Either way, I'll be down without question for Barry, Reverse Flash and Zoom.
I get a feeling it might be contractual.
Or it's because Marvel Netflix stuff is head and shoulders above CW quality, solely on principal. CW has a quota to fill and has to still appeal to a younger teenage audience, which binds their hands. That audience isn't a 1/6th for the most part. Netflix is targeted, and has the option for a much darker, violent, and more adult tone. Imagine Arrow sponsored by Netflix as a comparison.

All that being said, I'll counter my own argument with the fact that Marvel Netflix is regionally available, and one of HT's biggest audiences is China, where it's unavailable. So that makes me think contractually is more likely.

I liked the first two seasons of Arrow, and would definitely be interested in an Arrow himself and or Deathstroke.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

I wouldn't get my hopes up too high for this company going deep into any of these licenses. Like motux says, Hot Toys is the biggest 1/6 company on the planet and they don't even go deep into lines except the surefire successes like Iron Man, Avengers, and Star Wars. Their list of woefully incomplete/totally unreleased lineups is really long. Star Ace has done pretty well with Harry Potter, but that was really the only major license they were getting into at the time. If they even get the major character from each license out (or two in the case of Pulp Fiction), I would consider that a success.

And though 30 hasn't been heavily investing into their human characters, we've had figures from two separate AMC shows. So it does stand to reason that they would have the option reserved for any figures from additional AMC shows. The next, most obvious choices would be Daryl, Saul Goodman, and Don Draper IMO. But I wouldn't hold my breath on any of those.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

Agreed. If we see Flash, Arrow, Supergirl and Captain Cold, I'll consider myself lucky.... And probably be 90 by the time they're all released.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

I'm pretty sure we'll get only Flash, Supergirl, and Arrow...we might get a Reverse Flash figure too because that's the major villain from any of those shows. Hoping for Felicity or King Shark is only setting yourself up for disappointment. I wouldn't consider a Supergirl a lock at this point, aren't rating dropping for that show?
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

I think the only 100 percent locks for figures here in the first year are Flash and Arrow. If there's 3, we'll get Supergirl. Like others have said, think about all the figure licenses they've announced in relation to how many Potter figures they put out a year. If we're lucky, I think we'll see Flash, Arrow, and maybe one or two Pulp fiction and Kill Bill figures before the year is out. Add onto that I expect at least 2-3 more Potter figures this year and 1 figure from Fantastic Beasts. The real test for these lines will be 2017. Then we'll really know what we're dealing with.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

I don't watch Arrow but from The Flash I could easily see them doing Barry, Reverse Flash (it'd be cool with two head sculpts to get Wells and Thane) and Zoom. I would imagine that Captain Cold would be in the Legends of Tomorrow line. You might be able to get quite a few for either line depending on who they do. Imagine a Black Canary from Arrow and White Canary from LoT? It'll be really cool.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

I don't watch Arrow but from The Flash I could easily see them doing Barry, Reverse Flash (it'd be cool with two head sculpts to get Wells and Thane) and Zoom. I would imagine that Captain Cold would be in the Legends of Tomorrow line. You might be able to get quite a few for either line depending on who they do. Imagine a Black Canary from Arrow and White Canary from LoT? It'll be really cool.

I would buy both canarys
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

you guys have strong tolerance.

arrow and his crew just make me vomit. feels like I'm watching one tree hill or some ****.

or at least what I imagine what these shows are like, never watched one tree hill. xD
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

you guys have strong tolerance.

arrow and his crew just make me vomit. feels like I'm watching one tree hill or some ****.

I love arrow...but I couldn't agree with you more. the CWness gets me every time. I enjoy it when the CWness doesn't kick in, but when it does, I can't help but roll my eyes. Flash suffered similar symptoms too.

If only they can tone it down.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

Arrow has become stale with all the blatant fan service. Fan service isn't necessarily a bad thing; it's probably the reason we got a Flash TV show, but, when you allow it to dictate the course of your program, well, look at Arrow as exhibit A on how to turn a decent show into a colossal **** show. I've grown kind of tired of the whole "Team Arrow" dynamic, personally. If I was Guggenheim or Berlanti or Kreisberg or whomever, I'd do my damnedest to get Green Lantern on the show and reinvent it by adapting some of Adams and O'Neill's stuff for the screen. Especially in today's current social and political climate, those stories are more relevant than ever.

Sadly, I doubt the CW would have the balls or the intelligence to use their heroes to tackle stuff like racism, drug addiction, poverty, and other issues.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

I'm excited someone is finally doing these. I've stopped watching the shows, save Legends of Tomorrow, which for some reason I end up enjoying more than the other two :lol

I think these are the one's we'll get, but it's hard to imagine they will make this many:
- Arrow
- Flash
- Reverse Flash
- Slade Wilson (hopefully)
- Atom
- White Canary
- Captain Cold
- Supergirl
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

I'm excited someone is finally doing these. I've stopped watching the shows, save Legends of Tomorrow, which for some reason I end up enjoying more than the other two :lol

I think these are the one's we'll get, but it's hard to imagine they will make this many:
- Arrow
- Flash
- Reverse Flash
- Slade Wilson (hopefully)
- Atom
- White Canary
- Captain Cold
- Supergirl

I would switch out atom for Merlin, especially since he just signed a deal where he will be on all 4 shows now.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

you guys have strong tolerance.

arrow and his crew just make me vomit. feels like I'm watching one tree hill or some ****.

or at least what I imagine what these shows are like, never watched one tree hill. xD

Yeah, in the days of DareDevil and Jessica Jones, these CW shows are hard to watch I think as they all have the Smallville format but I think Flash and Supergirl in particular especially kind work well in that format.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

The fatal flaw in the CW superhero shows in my opinion is when they start taking themselves too seriously. Arrow does this, and you can see the results. Flash has nailed the perfect mix of fun, camp, and how seriously to take itself, which is why I enjoy it. Comparing CW shows to the Netflix shows is also unfair, I think, because they're two different beasts. A more apt comparison would the ABC Marvel shows. Netflix shows have the luxury of telling a story in 13 hours, while the broadcast shows have to stretch it out for longer.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

Grant Gustin is a far better actor than Amell. I love the selfishness he showed in the S2 finale.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

I just hope they'll make 90s Flash eventually.
I need him to stand next to 78 Superman and 89 Batman.

Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

Okay I want the newest version of the Arrow and The Flash.
I want Captain Cold and White Canary.
I want Supergirl & Martian Manhunter.