China.......showing the love!
Yeah this went over the top with action and explosions- didn't work. Neither did the weakest ST villian since Insurgence- if they do another they better find out what ST is all about
I liked Krall.
The makeup wasn't the most iconic of Star Trek, but I liked the Bio luminescent spots.
The Krall backstory was okay, but had an odd motivation. Wanting to destroy the Federation for becoming peace makers wasn't a strong enough motivation to me. However, wanting to destroy the Federation for abandoning him and his men for a 100 years does sound more convincing. I really liked the fact that he had taken on an alien appearance from whatever device that was prolonging his life, I think it would've been cool if they revealed his men also did the same. I had seen a brief glimpse of Idris Elba in a Beyond trailer and thought maybe they gave him a regular human role somewhere so he could at least appear once without the makeup in the movie, I didn't think that he was still playing the same character before he transformed. I thought that was an interesting character trait.
I think he....
used some his crew as "fuel" for the device first.
Very sad of Paramount that on the 50th Anniversary weekend of Trek, no ads, no push.nothing.
And to the chat above I'll add...Ii think Krall's second in command was his original (human) one...if you look in that video clip Uhura is reviewing, he's there along with Idris
Just purchased the movie. Much better than ID
Scene where younger Spock see's the picture of the older Enterprise crew (I had to think a sec, it's from ST:V cast photoshoot). I thought they could have used the cast picture from TWOK But Saavik was in the picture so maybe not..
I have the cast signed photo/plaque from QVC of that pic. It was the best moment of the movie for me.