Star Trek: Discovery

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Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

So where does this take place on the Star Trek time line? Is it in the Abrams Star Trek universe or the Shatner verse?
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

What? Really? This looks way too advanced for the Shatnerverse.
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

What? Really? This looks way too advanced for the Shatnerverse.

I think at this point, this aspect is something that we as the audience will have to get over. Yes it makes no sense to have such advanced systems 10 years before TOS. But at the same time, that show was made in the 60's and times have changed a great deal since then. It would make just as little sense if they made the ships look less advanced than TOS (itself 350 years in the future) When our children in our real lives are playing with more advanced tech than some of the stuff they had on the bridge which was all limited to its generation. It's a catch 22 really.
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

Liked the two episodes last week, this new one not so much. It won't be too surprising if this show is like all of the "modern " Treks in that it takes awhile to hit it's stride.

Really enjoyed Michelle Yoeh's captain...not digging the new one so much. In fact, none of the new characters except for Burnham and Saru really came across well. They were the only two that talked and acted like they were on a Star Trek show...The others came across too contemporary, Especially the roommate Sheelix (can't remember her actual name).

I'll keep watching for a while, hopefully this show will find it's Star Trek groove and not just be a "doesn't that look cool " of the week thing. We'll see. ..
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

Caught the 3rd episode and I'm very intrigued. I am a casual Trek fan but that being said I have watched all of the various incarnations and the movies. I really like this new show and completely enjoy the visuals and filming style. I also enjoy the theme and the credits.

The Capt. is a very interesting mystery from his battle damaged eye, to his sweet tooth for fortune cookies. He's not the typical Capt. and I like that.. Micheal Burnam I really enjoy, and so far as I said liking what I have seen! I'm sure there will be viewers for, against, and someplace in the middle.. for me thus far it's been very entertaining. Bring on more episodes!
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

Shatnerverse. 2256, ten years before TOS and a year after "The Cage".

But eh, after "First Contact" and "Enterprise" this is not surprising.
Still a big ****YOU to all the fans of TOS, TNG and DS9.
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

Just watched the third episode... It definitely didn't pull me in as the first two did. Maybe I should watch all three again at some point.
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

Loving the show, and 3rd one was my fav, easily. Like the rumor that the Discovery is actually a Section 31 black ops vessel. Loved seeing the gorn skeleton, and the shocking dead bodies caught me offguard. Red head roomie is annoying, but thats the point, clearly. Black badges looked cool. Very good bottle ep

Idea of travel is interesting. Curious where is goes, cause clearly in the TNG and voyager timeline, it was not used.

Like how Michael is a rogue type character that really isnt. and that Capt is not right in the head.
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

Really enjoying this show yes the Klingons look weird oh well still a good show.
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

I started watching the televised episode, got halfway through, realized I wasn't going to pay to stream it, and shut it off. Maybe I'll give it a shot later if the season is available somewhere for free.
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

I am really liking this show. It's visually cinematic and the storyline is interesting. However I still prefer traditional episodic Trek. To me this is more like Star Trek meets Game of Thrones. It's epic storytelling, but Trek works better as a weekly space adventure with longer arcs sprinkled in.

That said, this is my favorite theory...

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Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

I am really liking this show. It's visually cinematic and the storyline is interesting. However I still prefer traditional episodic Trek. To me this is more like Star Trek meets Game of Thrones. It's epic storytelling, but Trek works better as a weekly space adventure with longer arcs sprinkled in.

That said, this is my favorite theory...

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Makes more sense imo
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

Regarding the latest episode

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Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

Well about those theories...

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