Star Trek: Discovery

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Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

I'm always interested in whatever new Star Trek thing that pops up so I'll give this a shot. It's easier to enjoy these things when you have zero expectations for them though. :lol

I'll watch the FREE one, but that's it.
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

I'm far from a fake fan. There's no way I'm paying per month for ONE show. I can always catch it later.
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

Are they releasing them all at once like House of Cards or Daredevil, or is it once a week like GOT? Thx.
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

I'm far from a fake fan. There's no way I'm paying per month for ONE show. I can always catch it later.

I definitely wouldn't pay just for this, and I don't like the emerging trends these days. I'll be watching this simply as it's on Netflix in the UK.
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

I definitely wouldn't pay just for this, and I don't like the emerging trends these days. I'll be watching this simply as it's on Netflix in the UK.

Yeah, like Hulu at first was free with commercials and now it's pay with commercials. If this is on CBS, Netflix, or Amazon Prime, I'll watch it, otherwise I'm just going to watch the premier.
I have a bad feeling that CBS All Suck will remove some of the early episodes as the full first season of ST: D approaches it's final episodes to prevent people from just subscribing for one month and bingeing the show then canceling, seems like the appropriate d-ick move.
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

What happened to "if it's not broken don't try to fix it"?

Isn't it obvious ST:TOS and the subsequent films of the TOS and then TNG series and films proved the formula works. Even reruns of TOS still get good ratings so more of the same with new characters and better FX would do well.

Well at least Roddenberry is dead and can't witness it.
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

Don’t like that it’s on CBS where lately any shows besides comedy and drama go to die :slap
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

Spoilery, kindof, not really, but, just in case:

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Also, just finished Ep. 2, and a few spoilery reviewy thoughts:

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Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

Agreed with it except that it's obvious he didn't see part 2 (which is understandable), because
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I'm not a fan of the subtitled Klingon; I don't usually mind subtitles, but in this case I feel like it took me out of paying attention to the production design, which they spent some serious $$$$ on.

I don't agree about Saru. He's one of the most awesome Trek aliens ever, and that's saying a lot.

Also: The host of "After Trek" is the most annoying person...EVER.
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Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

I watched the first two episodes last night. I also went in expecting very little, so in some ways I quite enjoyed it. It certainly had good and bad aspects which is probably to be expected of early episodes. Despite too many lens flairs, the production values are excellent, this series almost looks as good as the recent movies. Here's to hoping a few more stronger and memorable characters will be introduced shortly however, I can only remember the main group and most of the bridge crew were obscure and forgettable. I'll be watching more for sure, but only because it is shown on Netflix in the UK, there is absolutely no way on Earth that I'd be paying for a separate service just for this.

I really don't like the intro credits however, it didn't feel very star trek at all to me.
Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

You folks who don't like the crew realize that

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Re: New Star Trek TV Series in 2017!

I didnt like next gen when it came out. They made some obvious changes. And the characters developed as well.

A lot of times shows need a season to find their legs.