I'm a bad Trekkie, Trekker or whatever. 

Yeah the episode where they were trying to make enhanced Klingons after the whole incident with Lt. Data creator.... I kind of miss that show....
I didn't watch Enterprise, I was a bit Trekked out at the time - I really felt like it needed to take a break after Voyager and whatever I saw of early Enterprise didn't convince me otherwise. I also hated the main title song. Actually I don't like the Discovery main title music either...or the main theme from the reboot movies for that matter! Man, it's been quite a while since I liked any Star Trek music![]()
The whole opening credit sequence of Discovery including the theme reminds me of Westworld. It worked on WW, seems out of place on Star Trek
The opening credits are somewhat saved by the visuals.
STis more watchable than some of the other series, but I'll be shocked if there's a second season.
Pretty clear cut reference to Star Trek Enterprise. Great....But Klingons didn't look like this when they were in that show!!!![]()
Anyway, my usual complaint for every single episode done with for this post, I liked the ending with Emperor Yeoh (for the life of me I can't think of the character name) pretending to be Captain Yeoh back from the dead.
You know, I must've been sleepy or something, but I did *NOT* see that one coming. Which is funny, because I saw the other ones coming a mile away. I kindof assumed Cornwell was going to take command and they'd keep Georgiou under lockdown. But I suppose this way makes more sense, because if anyone mistakenly comes in contact with her their could be some pretty big-deal consequences.
People on other boards have mentioned that the whole Emperor Georgiou masquerading as the other Georgiou is kinda stupid from the Discovery crew's standpoint, because they were already in the Mirror Universe. But I can't recall (read: Have to watch again), did anyone other than Burnham, Saru, and Lorca ever actually know that Georgiou was the Emperor? Maybe that's easier to keep under wraps than you'd think. After all, none of the Terran crews ever mention her by name.
I'm having trouble getting invested in this plotline, though. I just don't buy that they're going to do all this and not rewind time and reboot it. After all, Stamets *CAN* do it. It's been done before, and they definitely made it a point to mention it. There's also the bit that, if we really got to a point where the majority of Starfleet was destroyed by the Klingons, we'd KNOW about it.
I have this distinct feeling that somehow we'll go back to the Battle of the Binary Stars and Burnham will get a second chance, but fail to save Georgiou again. The Shenzhou will still be destroyed and T'Kuvma won't die. The Klingons will be united, but the Federation will be able to see through their cloaking, leading to a stalemate, and an eventual begruding peace.
It's the only way I can think of to somehow make this all make sense in regard to the timeline...