Star Trek: Discovery

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Very impressive sculpts.

On a different Trek-subject - I watched Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country last night (not for the first time obviously) - great film and sign-off for the original cast. Question though - was it ever explained in any Star Trek show why a Klingon Bird of Prey can't fire while cloaked? The film had a one-off prototype that could. I wonder why the klingons didn't enable all their ships to do this. Or did they and I've just forgotten.
Very impressive sculpts.

On a different Trek-subject - I watched Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country last night (not for the first time obviously) - great film and sign-off for the original cast. Question though - was it ever explained in any Star Trek show why a Klingon Bird of Prey can't fire while cloaked? The film had a one-off prototype that could. I wonder why the klingons didn't enable all their ships to do this. Or did they and I've just forgotten.
I think that was the only available PoP that could fire when cloaked.

Sent from my ALP-L29 using Tapatalk
If I recall correctly they also cannot raise shields while they are cloaked either. I don't think they have ever given a definitive explanation in the show but it's probably some kind of power drain...
You inspired me to check the official Star Trek: Starship Spotter book and in the Bird of Prey specs it simply states that this vessel's only design drawback is its inability to engage weapon systems while cloaked.
They managed it this once so I wonder why it never came into common use. Not the most honorable way to engage an enemy I suppose - that'd put off many Klingons but not all so you'd think someone in the Klingon Empire would have R&Ded it again.
They managed it this once so I wonder why it never came into common use. Not the most honorable way to engage an enemy I suppose - that'd put off many Klingons but not all so you'd think someone in the Klingon Empire would have R&Ded it again.
Let's me geeky. Klingons were in desperation. They need the assistance from the Federation. Is only natural for the Federation to negotiate a deal with the Klingons just like real life situation in today's Foreign Policies.

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If I remember correctly, the cloak tech is a massive power drain, there's no power available for weapons or shields.
It's also been said that the wings reposition to specifically divert power to the weapons at the end of the wings.
I checked Memory Alpha which is the Official Star Trek Wiki and it says:
Due to the enormous amount of power required to generate a cloaking field, there was, by and large, not enough power available to also power the weapons and shields. (TOS: "Balance of Terror") When the Romulan cloaking device was first installed on the USS Defiant, the ship even had to decloak to use the transporter. (DS9: "The Search, Part I") However, there were several times when advances in cloaking technology rendered these tactical inefficiencies untrue.
Chang's Bird-of-Prey

Prototype Bird-of-Prey, firing while cloaked

For example, in 2293, the Klingons developed a prototype Bird-of-Prey capable of firing photon torpedoes when cloaked. This ship, commanded by General Chang, was used to secretly attack Kronos One in such a way that it appeared the USS Enterprise-A was responsible, implicating Enterprise commanding officer James T. Kirk in the assassination of Chancellor Gorkon. Fortunately for galactic peace, the Enterprise-A was able to deduce the existence of Chang's ship and devise a way to penetrate its cloak by tracking its plasma exhaust with new sensors for analyzing gaseous anomalies. The prototype ship was destroyed by the Enterprise-A and the USS Excelsior over Khitomer. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
Let's me geeky. Klingons were in desperation. They need the assistance from the Federation. Is only natural for the Federation to negotiate a deal with the Klingons just like real life situation in today's Foreign Policies.

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Oh I wasn't questioning any of that. I loved that whole storyline.

If I remember correctly, the cloak tech is a massive power drain, there's no power available for weapons or shields.
It's also been said that the wings reposition to specifically divert power to the weapons at the end of the wings.

So jal76 had the right guess.
Beside twok, undiscovered countries was the best. The character of Kirk and Spock were finally fully developed.

Sent from my ALP-L29 using Tapatalk
So jal76 had the right guess.

I missed that, when one post is right after another I tend to only see one while scrolling.

But we both had the shield thing wrong, the BOP's cloak operates through it's shields, so the BOP has shields up while cloaked.
Beside twok, undiscovered countries was the best. The character of Kirk and Spock were finally fully developed.

Sent from my ALP-L29 using Tapatalk

No love for the Voyage Home?
VH ties with WOK for first for me, Undiscovered is third. All 3 are successes thanks to Nicholas Meyer, I wish CBS gave Meyer his purposed Khan series.
Beside twok, undiscovered countries was the best. The character of Kirk and Spock were finally fully developed.

Sent from my ALP-L29 using Tapatalk

Yep. All sorts of great interactions in the film.

''Spock, you wanna know something? Everybody's human''

*raises eyebrow*

''I find that remark...insulting''

I missed that, when one post is right after another I tend to only see one while scrolling.

But we both had the shield thing wrong, the BOP's cloak operates through it's shields, so the BOP has shields up while cloaked.

No I think you were right the first time - no shields when cloaked. The surgically enhanced torpedo is instantly fatal to the BoP once it finds its target. Also in Generations they trigger the cloaking device of the Duros sister's BoP specifically so that the shields will go down.

No love for the Voyage Home?
VH ties with WOK for first for me, Undiscovered is third. All 3 are successes thanks to Nicholas Meyer, I wish CBS gave Meyer his purposed Khan series.

I also still love Voyage Home as a movie - although it raises the question - if time travel can be done that easily how come that method wasn't used again. The special effects shot is also questionable - the klingon ship looks way too big as it travels around the sun. I mean you shouldn't even be able to see it. The other thing I don't like is the music, I find it very uncinematic - sounds more fitting for an early 80s tv show. The movie is otherwise excellent fun.
This guy gets it: Less Burnam and Yeoh, more Pike!
Oh wait, Pike is a white male, my bad:
This guy gets it: Less Burnam and Yeoh, more Pike!
Oh wait, Pike is a white male, my bad: the typically intelligent Star Trek thread is getting polluted with this garbage...ok...SJWs, snowflake, white male, SJWs again, Ruin Johnson...ok out of your system and can we get back to positive and fairly enlightening discourse about Star Trek now? the typically intelligent Star Trek thread is getting polluted with this garbage...ok...SJWs, snowflake, white male, SJWs again, Ruin Johnson...ok out of your system and can we get back to positive and fairly enlightening discourse about Star Trek now?

So tolerant of dissenting opinion...
By all means go back to reading comfortable opinions you agree with and affirm your viewpoint.
Sorry to burst yer bubble not all Trek fans likes “Woke Trek” and this guy spells it out in a concise and intelligent manner.
So throw up those deflectors and start evasive maneuvers.
So tolerant of dissenting opinion...
By all means go back to reading comfortable opinions you agree with and affirm your viewpoint.
Sorry to burst yer bubble not all Trek fans likes “Woke Trek” and this guy spells it out in a concise and intelligent manner.
So throw up those deflectors and start evasive maneuvers.

You missed the point my friend...I am very comfortable with dissenting opinions on who the best Ship's Captain is, which Trek series had the strongest finale, and the nuances of a Klingon cloaking device...bring 'em far as fighting culture wars goes if you want to do that...more power to you...but why do you have to do it in a toy discussion group in a thread dedicated to a Star Trek show that you obviously do not you want to convince people who like it that they shouldn't or do you want them to convince you that you should? If you don't like "Woke Trek" don't watch it...I promise it's okay if you don't...why not move onto a thread discussing something that you do enjoy?
You missed the point my friend...I am very comfortable with dissenting opinions on who the best Ship's Captain is, which Trek series had the strongest finale, and the nuances of a Klingon cloaking device...bring 'em far as fighting culture wars goes if you want to do that...more power to you...but why do you have to do it in a toy discussion group in a thread dedicated to a Star Trek show that you obviously do not you want to convince people who like it that they shouldn't or do you want them to convince you that you should? If you don't like "Woke Trek" don't watch it...I promise it's okay if you don't...why not move onto a thread discussing something that you do enjoy?


Conversely you can take your own advice and imploy your own copious amounts of self restraint and will power. By not worrying so much what other people post in your prestine thread of the highest discourse.
If it really was the highest discourse you would have spelled the word "pristine."