I've posted pix of the original 3 sculpts with just a base coat earlier in this thread.As to the uniforms...are you asking for pix of them just by themselves(un-worn)?Finally, while I've got your attention, I'm thinking on the Gorn,and need a count...how many fingers does the bloody thing have. In the episode(which I have on Re-Mastered DVD)he seems to have 3, but there are pix of the suit showing 5. Anyone got Bobby Clark's e-mail address?...PS
I've posted all the pix I've taken of my set, close-ups included(sorry).Feel free to use them.As I'm doing a bit of work on the set, I should be able to take a few of the pix you want, though I only have gold, green and blue shirts.
My phaser is looking good;started scratching the wax last night;so far,so good.Still have to get the lathe set up to turn the emitter...
Finally, I did more"freeze-frame"research on the Gorn last night;had Ari watch as well(2 sets of eyes).We agree that he has 3 fingers , at least as broadcast. I'm thinking the hands were a last minute thing.By the way, there's a hilarious vid of Shatner and the Gorn advertizing the new "Trek"video game.Got to credit the man,he can definitely get into a joke, even if he's the butt of it...PS
Time for a bump.It occurred to me that I should find out how Spenser felt about the picture thing-it is his work, after all.So that's on hold. My Phaser sculpt is coming along nicely;one side is done,the other proceeding.That WILL be photographed...
I've also been thinking about aliens(Trek-style).Which ones do I want in my collection?The Gorn is a must-have,as are at least 1 Klingon and perhaps a Mugato(yeah, I like the monsters). Of course,which of the 3 top Klingons to do(Kor, Koloth or Kang?)And has anyone else noticed how much the Tellarite ambassador Gav looks like the Wolf Man?...PS
TOS Khan or movie Khan?
& do you have any more pix of your Kirk 2.0? I have the first one and can't decide if I should upgrade.