Star Trek: TOS/TWOK/Into Darkness head sculpts and uniforms

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Leave it to my wife to make that one addition that bumps up the figure display...

The girl is one of her customs,built on a Triad Lola,with a re-root,repaint and custom outfit (I believe from SithLord MacGuyver). Bones' tricorder is from the Barbie set(the only piece that is proper size). When Sulu is done I think he'll be covering her with a phaser...PS
Reminds me of...

Shahna is actually on my list of ancillary characters I'd like to get made one day. She's be great with three "provider" brains under a done.
Pants and shirts are done I saw them today. I’m molding the boots Monday and because the DVD comes out next week I wanted to make sure everything with the coat pattern is good before I have her make more.

Wow!! Thank you for The update, this figure will look awesome!!
Getting a handle on the molds;they're"fiddly",but as I refine the process the castings get better(good resin helps).Should be ready to offer them soon.
In other news, Sulu's head arrived today. I would say it is a fine example of Spenser's best work. The actual piece looks much better than the pix. I've met George;the sculpt is simply dead on.Well done...PS
Pants and shirts are done I saw them today. I’m molding the boots Monday and because the DVD comes out next week I wanted to make sure everything with the coat pattern is good before I have her make more.

Don't know how i missed this thread, can't wait !!:hi5:
Working out some stuff now should have a few set ready later next week.
Where things are...
The phaser and disruptor castings are almost useable...

Still getting a few small voids, but nearly there.Have solved one problem with the phaser;just need to test my solution.The disruptor is actually working better now that I've got the fill routine worked out.

Spenser's Sulu.I truly believe that this is his best likeness so far.Having met George, I can say that this is dead on;even managed to capture his slightly rough skin texture.The piece has been shaded since these pix were taken.Took me a while to match George's skin tone, but I hit it eventually.Pix to follow...PS