1/6 Star wars 1/6 SDCC 2019 Speculation

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I’m afraid that Sith Trooper would look pretty great in a white/black/brown SW display... just like the Royal Guards and Snowspeeder Luke really adds color and focus in the display.
The only trooper I have from the ST is Phasma and I wasn’t planning on getting more... [emoji848]
Thanks man. They must be adding the 10 new surprise SW figures later :lol

I just hope they do not fleece us with the price on Wicket. A 2 pack with Leia would surely be the way to get more sales for Leia too. She was not on my radar at all, but since Wicket was shown she is now.

...I’m first and foremost worried they’ll never make him.
I’m afraid that Sith Trooper would look pretty great in a white/black/brown SW display... just like the Royal Guards and Snowspeeder Luke really adds color and focus in the display.
The only trooper I have from the ST is Phasma and I wasn’t planning on getting more... [emoji848]

Heretic :devil...I highly doubt your tremendous passion for ST now. Ducktroopers are inextricably linked with the intrinsic essense of those new SW movies. This is totally unacceptable :horse.
...I’m first and foremost worried they’ll never make him.

well yes there's that. But I'd say if there is one figure that would get positive feedback from layman visitors at SDCC it would be a furry cute Ewok. Also from girls. So I'm pretty confident they'll make him.

I guess there could also be a chance he's in TRoS. Old Lando and old Wicket. If they're playing on nostalgia, and visiting somewhere close to Endor for the Deathstar, then Wicket could be a good card to play if only for one short scene.

Also that HT decide to do him now is also not coincidence perhaps ??

But you're right. It is HT, he'll probably will never make it to production.
Heretic :devil...I highly doubt your tremendous passion for ST now. Ducktroopers are inextricably linked with the intrinsic essense of those new SW movies. This is totally unacceptable :horse.

Hehe, well I don’t have much passion for TFA and the First Order designs. I never claimed I had btw. I like the resistance designs in TLJ (not so much the helmets), but overall I think that the ST and the PT are over designed. And the troopers in ST look like Sony trying to imitate Apple... not terrible, but still too much imo.
I know you like teasing me, which is all fine with me as it gives me a chance to post my opinions ;-), but what I’m passionate about in the ST is the Kylo/Rey/Luke dynamic - I am a big fan of that and I find some of the criticism totally misplaced and pathetic. But I’m gonna let that rest for this fine thread...
But I’m no huge fan of the ST designs compared to OT. But they’re still better and more true to OT than most PT.
well yes there's that. But I'd say if there is one figure that would get positive feedback from layman visitors at SDCC it would be a furry cute Ewok. Also from girls. So I'm pretty confident they'll make him.

I guess there could also be a chance he's in TRoS. Old Lando and old Wicket. If they're playing on nostalgia, and visiting somewhere close to Endor for the Deathstar, then Wicket could be a good card to play if only for one short scene.

Also that HT decide to do him now is also not coincidence perhaps ??

But you're right. It is HT, he'll probably will never make it to production.

Lando has probably married Wicket.
I wouldn't rule anything out.
Lando has probably married Wicket.
I wouldn't rule anything out.


Pansexuality, or omnisexuality,[1] is the sexual, romantic or emotional attraction towards people regardless of their sex or gender identity.[2][3] Pansexual people may refer to themselves as gender-blind, asserting that gender and sex are not determining factors in their romantic or sexual attraction to others.[4][5]

Yep you're right !!
Inter-special relationships gotta be common in a galaxy with so many humanoid species. And who wouldn’t cuddle a teddy bear?
...but if Lando is pansexual he has a very broad taste in personalities if he should end up with Wicket.
You guys missed the boat on the wicket and lando relationship. Yes, they may be a couple, but don’t forget Disney’s real surprise. They both get killed off so we don’t have to worry about those pesky ot characters anymore.

Just kidding, they wouldn’t be dumb enough to kil lando.

Would they??
You guys missed the boat on the wicket and lando relationship. Yes, they may be a couple, but don’t forget Disney’s real surprise. They both get killed off so we don’t have to worry about those pesky ot characters anymore.

Just kidding, they wouldn’t be dumb enough to kil lando.

Would they??

No, they won’t kill Lando.
Ok I'll call it.

He'll get sucked out into space after a tie fighter strike on the Falcon never to be seen again.

No one will talk much about it or take it very seriously.

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He'll get picked up by the Benatar in the post-credits scene.
Fisto is an interesting choice for HT and I would definitely appreciate if they made him. But most PT aliens have never really done it for me - though Fisto is one of the better and most OT like ones. The cgi orgy never did anything good for SW creatures and aliens.