ok...there is some serious updates needed for this game.
1. Palpatine Ep 3 skin hood up and hood down
2. Darth Maul hood up skin / Darth Maul mechanical legs epic skin
3. Solo troopers skins (mud and snow troopers)
4. Bounty Hunter character release (IG88, Greedo, Dengar)
5. Jyn Erso
6. Luke Hood up (ROTJ) skin
7. Boba Fett epic skin of Jango Fett
8. Starkiller (would love to have him be re-introduced as canon)
9. Snoke (just kidding...nobody cares)
10. Ventress
11. Rose (jk again)
12. Cassian and K2SO starfighter hero ship
Battles Areas
1. Alderaan (would like to see it)
2. Exceeding arena boundaries subject to aggressive AI (would like to see some shootable aggressive Wampas on Hoth, Gammorreans/etc around Jabbas Palace, Ewoks on Endor)
3. Mustafar
4. Sullust
Absolutely no
1. Mace Windu
2. Padme
3. Hayden Christensen (ruined Vader! I know he's on the way.)
4. L3
5. Gungan
6. Prequel Jedis that died in two seconds
Very happy about Grievous joining.
New Bouschh skin is incredible.