Wife cancelled the preorder. 5 minutes ago a delivery came, she got me a frystal xbox with kotor 1 and 2, republic commando, Jedi knight and jedi academy along with Obi wan and Battlefront 2.
Makes up for it bucket loads! Hope everyones enjoying this game who bought it. Looks stunning
Wife cancelled the preorder. 5 minutes ago a delivery came, she got me a frystal xbox with kotor 1 and 2, republic commando, Jedi knight and jedi academy along with Obi wan and Battlefront 2.
Makes up for it bucket loads! Hope everyones enjoying this game who bought it. Looks stunning
Worth buying then Python? I've got Xbox One so think it should be a purchase! Anyone else on Xbox One?
.'. /_\ RP /_\ .'.
Thanks for that, saved me 80 bucks
Lol pew Pewing...