Super Freak
Got the Deluxe version sitting infront of me but I havent opened it up. Thinking about returning it and buying the GOTY edition with all DLC down the road instead.
Disagree......if this didn't say Star Wars then it wouldn't sell for crap. It's not a great game. It's an OK game that gets tiresome fast and just happens to be Star Wars based so people eat it up.
I have no opinion on the actual gameplay and modes aside from what I played in the beta/demo. I'm just disappointed from what I saw with the customization options. Dice can't seem to understand that people are all about customization in games nowadays. Not just weapons but how their characters look. Sadly the COD games have grasped the idea so I dont understand why DICE hasn't.
That being said I'm excited to play the full game, but fallout 4 has its claws dug too deep into me.
Ignore all the nit pucking and whining, this game is a blast!
Being in the SW universe > Any content or spawning problems.
I've been holding out for a while on any current gen. game platforms. No longer as of last night.
Not everyones cup of tea, but it had me sold. Especially with the digital pod racing game. Ohhh the nostalgia.
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I don't completely agree with this. Dice had a ton of options in the Battlefield games and I think others have copied them in that respect. You could trick out your soldier pretty well and make a unique load out in their other games. This game just feels like a "not enough time" kind of scenario where they're counting on the license to sell it (which it will) and the next Battlefront will be the proper release this one should've been. They were able to get all of the basic elements done, but not much else.
this isn't even close to being the final game
theres like $50 worth of expansions scheduled in the coming months including the 4 expansion packs
..man never experienced a game that is so fun and so frustrating at the same time ...
..man never experienced a game that is so fun and so frustrating at the same time ...