Well, I decided to rent it since its free to play this weekend.
After a few hours last night and a few hours today, I got myself up to Level 7. "Supremacy" mode feels most like its predecessors. I somewhat enjoyed that one.
The rest are all the same...yawn.
Don't bother with any type of strategy whatsoever. Just run around shooting like everyone else.
You can't pick the planet and you can't pick which side =
The single player missions were OK but felt like an afterthought.
The "training" missions were OK too. The Hoth "battle" where you have to destroy the AT-STs and take out the AT-ATs with the harpoon--while frustrating at first--were pretty good if very basic.
Playing as Luke and Vader was cool but the controls and moves reminded me of "Masters of Teras Kasi" in their sluggishness.
Having the controller (PS4) change colour depending on who you were playing was a nice touch. i.e. Red for Vader, Green for Luke.
Everything looks VERY nice! Everything sounds VERY nice...minus the hero voice overs. Although Palpatine's was pretty good.
They should really call this Star Wars: Sprint not battlefront. Why? Because you will spend 80% of your time running from a spawn point to the battle only to be picked off.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Always repeat!
OK, I'm off to bring this back to the store now!