There are FAR worse companies than EA. Sure it could use some more content, but the value depends on what you get out of it, if you can get a good amount of hours of gameplay out of it then it's probably worth the $60. And people usually demand more content in games than they actually will try to experience, so I don't blame them for restricting the amount of content in the game to be able to get it out with a high graphical quality and free of the network issues that they've had with other games like BF4.
The DLC I think they will have at least 2 packs with content from the new movie--the forest planet and the snow planet. So they can't really put that content out until after the movie releases anyway.
Im not calling EA the worst company just because i feel like battlefront needs more content and sound like a bitter gamer

4 Planets is a joke for the price when it doesn't even have any campaign.And the season pass will offer 16 maps(probably 4-5 planets) that cost almost as much as a game.
I allready knew all this beforehand though,which is why i waited for the black friday sale at 30%.