There's a number of times where the emperor wins the round--his advantage is if he can get close enough, plus he is easier to use since you don't have to aim his lightning really.
Both his and Leia's supply drop ability spawns a Hero health item, which can heal you or one of your teammates, so it can be extremely useful.
I can how that being the case for him. Regardless though, it seems like a waste of a character.
I figured it out with the Emperor, not so much with Leia; from what I remember in the beta, I don't really think health spawns matter much. You die just as quickly anyways.
The PT was lightsaber porn. Even kids had them. They were probably in every utensil drawer. Of course the Emperor had to be in on the action too. What made him cool in the OT is that while the Skywalkers are battling with these Jedi weapons, here's this hooded old guy who just starts shooting lightning out of his hands, he's beyond needing a weapon. You're right that it makes him a crap character in the game, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make if it means I don't have to see any PT in this game.
That's what makes the Prequel good from my point of view. I see that 7 and 8 year old kids at the time of their release loved em. They never said anything bad, why? Because it was marketed for kids. Lucas didn't have a good story for the OT kids, but the action and characters were the selling point of the PT. Hell, the new ST will probably be the same, marketed for kids; but at least a decent to amazing stories for long time fans.
What I'm saying is; regardless of how PT was perceived, the characters and action were the best from PT, easily. And honestly, the lightning really isn't a big deal. Anakin could do it too, had he not been diced the **** up and turned into a robot essentially. And even so, how does that make him intimidating? The OT mentioned how great a jedi Yoda was, and the PT always emphasized that Yoda was the best swordsman. If the lightsaber wasn't such a crucial weapon for both sith and jedi, then I could see Sidious not needing his; but it almost correlated to the dark or light side.
It just makes me mad how hypocritical EA is when it is convenient. For example, they mentioned Luke wasn't a Jedi in ESB, that's why he doesn't have his pilot uniform and blue saber. Well guess what? Emperor was never on Endor, Leia never kept her outfit from Hoth outside of Hoth, and so many other things could be said. I don't see what would kill them to have dedicated skins to the specific map; like FR did with the older BF games. Which also leads to their attack powers and so on.
I'd gladly take the PT also in it. Droids and clones could add so much more to customization, and honestly often were more fun to play than the rebels. Only thing I enjoyed about Galactic Empire and Rebels were the maps like Bespin and Tattooine.
I'm just ranting, but I'm not big for this game. I'm praying a second one will add so much more, and none of that DLC ****ing ********.
IG-88 maybe, some of the other bounty hunters?
Wasn't it confirmed that the DLC's will all be OT only going forward? This game is pretty much a lost cause for me I think, I hate the overly simple nature, it's just boring and tedious imo. I'm just hoping it forces a new direction and a better sequel with more depth and tact.
Seems like the other Bounty Hunters would be the only other thing. Not many are friendly to the Empire.
I heard the same thing too. More modes and more maps. I can see more heroes added, but not many to choose from except maybe a Ben, Chewie, and Lando.
I believe it was in an article. Initial rumor was that they didn't do it due to a lack of heroes to pick from TFA. Same as for villains.
Whatever, I'm not wasting any more money on this game. It's **** imo. Could have been epic. It's the Avatar of games right now, just cause it looks good; don't make it good.