Yup. Just original trilogy.
Im struggling to think of many planets left. Bespin is an obvious choice. Death Star maybe.
Pretty much Tatooine, Hoth and Endor are the main planets. Could argue Yavin 4. Dagobah wouldnt make much sense.
Id've loved Naboo, Courascant, Kamino, Mustafar and Genosia. Throw in Starkiller base.
Characters idvevliked Obi Wan, Qui Gonn, Darth Maul, Grevious, Jango and Dooku for prequels.
Obi Wan (Alec Guiness), Chewie, Lando, Bossk and IG-88 prequels. Kylo, Poe and Finn for new age.
Wasnt far wrong map wise. Tatooine, death star and bespin