Star Wars Chess Table!

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Buttmunch said:
This wouldn't be a 1:1 scale item would it? Just seems strange to just show this and not a figure, environment, etc to go with it or even its scale. I hope Sideshow at least addresses this before Toy Fair. Cats out of the bag afterall. They announced Bubo pretty quickly after he was discovered. That makes two (3) new SW items to be revealed like that. :confused:
Well actually this make like the fourth time something like this has happened I believe.
1.) Maul 12" showed up in the insider along with his Probe droids and got announced the next Thursday.
2.) Endor Troopers showed up in a magazine (cant remember which one right now) and got announced the next Thursday.
3.) I noticed there was something funny looking on the back of Jabbas box on a Sunday and then we got clear picture and it was in fact Bubo and guess what they announced it on Thursday.
4.) Maul PF and the chess table are seen, I guess the cats out of the bag, so I guess we may get something great on Thursday.
I could honestly care less about the Chess Table. Though I do hope the droids are coming shortly. They are very high on my list of wants.
jason2885 said:
Well actually this make like the fourth time something like this has happened I believe.
1.) Maul 12" showed up in the insider along with his Probe droids and got announced the next Thursday.
2.) Endor Troopers showed up in a magazine (cant remember which one right now) and got announced the next Thursday.
3.) I noticed there was something funny looking on the back of Jabbas box on a Sunday and then we got clear picture and it was in fact Bubo and guess what they announced it on Thursday.
4.) Maul PF and the chess table are seen, I guess the cats out of the bag, so I guess we may get something great on Thursday.

I hope you deductive logic holds out on this one...

oh yeah, did someone say "chess set"?

Wor-Gar said:
I hope you deductive logic holds out on this one...

oh yeah, did someone say "chess set"?


You know that is going to be your catch phrase forever now right? :lol

Heres hoping we see some more info on this in tonight's newsletter.
Yep it looks pretty cool. I just hope the exclusive isnt the seats. Maybe it will be something like a training remote and blast shield.

Though I think this may be the exclusive chess piece.
LOTRFan said:
Indeed, means that the Wookie and Droids are yet to come in 1/4 scale. :monkey2

But it's only a matter of time. And maybe not a lot of time for the Droids.

*Edit- I just saw that you said 1/4.
I hope Sideshow lets us in on what figures this expansion set is intended for before the pre-order on the 16th. I'd like to know what else is needed for this set-up BEFORE ordering the chess set...

- J!
MicroJow said:
I hope Sideshow lets us in on what figures this expansion set is intended for before the pre-order on the 16th. I'd like to know what else is needed for this set-up BEFORE ordering the chess set...

- J!

I thinks its pretty obvious.. Chewy, C-3PO and R2... and thow in Farmboy Luke, Old Obi and Han... all of which will be coming down the road eventualy.