Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones 15th anniversary

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Ah, yes. I love the prequel trilogies.

And next year, on may May 25th, you are welcome to the 35th anniversary of he beginning of Star Wars' decline. RETURN of the Jedi!

Forget about ROTS. People like to rip on how Anakin is portrayed in AOTC and the prequels in general, but the pussification of Darth Vader goes all the way back to 1983. There was no possible way to make "the most compelling origin story in cinematic history" for what had become such a pathetic and lame character in a series for children. Sorry, but you can't get the audience on the side of a guy who inevitably sells out his friends, hunts them down one by one and murders all of them by the end of his arc. You look at Vader and how he acts in his last appearance and it's not hard to buy that he was once a whiny brat with good intentions that was ultimately corrupted by the harsh teachings of a weird cult order. By ROTJ, there was nothing sophisticated about Star Wars anyway. Obi-Wan and Yoda were always manipulative losers waaaaay before TPM, AOTC and ROTS. You think Jango is lame because his character retconned Boba Fett as a clone? Why? ROTJ is the lowest point for any Fett related story.

Like ROTJ, TPM, ROTS, TFA and RO, AOTC has a couple of nice moments, usually when it's an action scene (i.e. mostly chases) where nobody is speaking the dialogue. AOTC is my least favorite of the 8, but I don't loathe it as much as I did a decade ago. I didn't enjoy it in theaters, but Star Wars in general was a low point for me in 2002. It's harmless. I like the villains in it. Jango and Dooku are more intriguing than Maul and Grievous, but not as great as Palpatine.

My biggest take away or memory of AOTC was seeing how Palpatine looked. I saw a preproduction photo back in 2001 where he looked old and decrepit, like he was in liver failure or something. Out of the prequel trilogy, AOTC Palps looks the most sinister before he dons the hood. The bags under the eyes, the liver spots, the corruption, I could easily see him being the Emperor we see in ROTJ. But then for some reason they abandoned that by ROTS, making him look healthier than ever and making the Emperor appearance a deformity or whatever. That was a bit of an uncreative let down, just one of the many inconsistencies and disappointments found in the entire saga.
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I didn't know we could start anniversary threads. I will make one for TDK next year, and another one for First Blood later this year.

As far as AOTC goes, I like the city scenes.

It's too late for me, son.

"Tell ya sista, u were riiiiiiight."

Bro, just a couple of minutes ago you were sadistically using that same sister as bait to egg him on. What happened??
Star Wars threads in a nutshell:


*I'm a SW fan but still would watch "Event Horizon" over anything Star Wars*
I agree that the prequels are bad but ultimately harmless. And now RO has given me all the Vader backstory I'll ever need. RO -> "Just for once, let me look on you with my own eyes" is a pretty awesome arc IMO. Once the mask comes off it's pretty disappointing but eh, that's Jedi for you.

One thing that hasn't diminished since 1999 is Darth Maul. A pretty awesome new icon who endures to this day.

The less said about AOTC/ROTS the better.
Nah rots was a great movie. The dual st the end , the eradication of the Jedi . Loved it. I know it has problems , I know but it felt like more of a Star Wars movie than the previous two to me. I love the inner turmoil anakin goes through in the movie. Some of it was silly but hey I enjoyed the hell out it. Fav star wars movie.
This is the one with flipping Yoda, right? Audience honestly went nuts over that, though it was eye rolling to me.

Funny, at the time it was the most-hyped part of the film. These days it's one of the biggest bugbears for many.

AOTC was the first SW I got to see in the theater and believe it or not is essentially what got me into SW. Say what you will about the prequels, but they introduced me to the saga and now I love everything SW. Haters be damned.

Everyone remembers their first time. That's why the OT gets more love from fans of a certain age.

I have no clue how people can hate this film while defending ROTS. They are incredibly similar movies with all of the same problems.

I like 'em both, but I like ROTS more. That one got the PT back into the OT league.


Prime, you so funny man.

Er, thanks! :lol

Forget about ROTS. People like to rip on how Anakin is portrayed in AOTC and the prequels in general, but the pussification of Darth Vader goes all the way back to 1983.

I'm one of the many who had envisaged Anakin to be older/less whiny. But then it would have been a less dramatic transformation. "Double the fall," as Dooku might say. Plus Luke was whiny too, if you remember.

Prime Clone what's your take on Jango? Is he your favorite character?

Nah, just think he makes a cool avatar. If we had to have a Boba origin, the clone concept was pretty cool.
Nah rots was a great movie. The dual st the end , the eradication of the Jedi . Loved it. I know it has problems , I know but it felt like more of a Star Wars movie than the previous two to me. I love the inner turmoil anakin goes through in the movie. Some of it was silly but hey I enjoyed the hell out it. Fav star wars movie.

Took the words right out of my mouth.
Nah, just think he makes a cool avatar. If we had to have a Boba origin, the clone concept was pretty cool.

They could have just said that Boba himself was the source of the clone army as a man in his 20's or 30's and then he would have been in his 40's or 50's in ESB. Jason Wingreen, Fett's original voice, was 59 when he recorded the dialogue for ESB after all. That would have been a *much* less stupid way to shoehorn him into the clone army building program. I would have preferred they not make him such an integral part at all but what they did in the actual movie was just terrible IMO.

I know Jango looks cool (obviously since they just copied Boba) but I probably consider him the worst character in all of SW. Worse than Ben Quadinaros, Kitster, Jar Jar, etc.
And next year, on may May 25th, you are welcome to the 35th anniversary of he beginning of Star Wars' decline. RETURN of the Jedi!

Forget about ROTS. People like to rip on how Anakin is portrayed in AOTC and the prequels in general, but the pussification of Darth Vader goes all the way back to 1983. There was no possible way to make "the most compelling origin story in cinematic history" for what had become such a pathetic and lame character in a series for children. Sorry, but you can't get the audience on the side of a guy who inevitably sells out his friends, hunts them down one by one and murders all of them by the end of his arc. You look at Vader and how he acts in his last appearance and it's not hard to buy that he was once a whiny brat with good intentions that was ultimately corrupted by the harsh teachings of a weird cult order. By ROTJ, there was nothing sophisticated about Star Wars anyway. Obi-Wan and Yoda were always manipulative losers waaaaay before TPM, AOTC and ROTS. You think Jango is lame because his character retconned Boba Fett as a clone? Why? ROTJ is the lowest point for any Fett related story.

And I thought we were on the same page with Star Wars. I WAS WRONG! SO WRONG!!!!!!!

I have no clue how people can hate this film while defending ROTS. They are incredibly similar movies with all of the same problems.

If anything, ROTS is worse since it not only turned all of those problems up to 11, but ruined what should have been one of the most compelling origin stories in cinematic history and forever tainted the legacy of one of film's best characters.
I feel the same way. Though I haven't watched either movie in over a decade I guess, I thought Sith was pretty terrible when I saw it, and was surprised to see so many defenders on the forum, who enjoy that one, but still hate on the other prequels.

Killing the Younglings is probably the most baffling decision in any of the films I've seen. If you really were treating all 6 films as canon, how could anyone possibly have sympathy for Vader by the time Jedi rolls around after that??

I'd gladly watch it over "Da Farce Awakens" and "Rough One". :wave

*I'm a SW fan but still would watch "Event Horizon" over anything Star Wars*
Your favorite film of all time is Battlefield Earth, isn't it? :lol I would watch Horizon over the prequels, even though I haven't seen it since the theatrical run (my friend and I both spontaneously burst into laughter during one scene).

RO. . .all the Vader backstory I'll ever need.

a person who opposes or rejects the notion that Darth Vader was awesome in Rogue One.
opposing or rejecting popular opinion; going against current practice.
"the X-Men: Apocalypse fan's claim came more from a contrarian disposition than moral conviction."