I like to think of the PT as George's Futurama or American Dad. As with Groening and Macfarlane, his early success bought him the freedom to do what he wanted, and the results weren't as widely appealing.
I... actually agree with this. TFA is one of the blandest, most forgettable films I've seen in recent years, a steady and monotonous two hours of mediocrity. The cinematic equivalent of having a flavourless, odourless ph-neutral grey slurry funnelled into your eye sockets. AoTC might be all over the map quality-wise, but I caught it on television recently and was surprised by how much I found myself enjoying certain parts of it. There's no saving the middle act and the laughable "romance" between Padme and Anakin, but the first and third acts contain some really brilliant things - set-pieces, visuals, cinematography, snippets of music, etc - that suggest at least some tiny spec of passion and originality went into the film, even if the end result is a mess.
And honestly, I'll take a film that's a complete mess with flashes of brilliance over another that I wanted to walk out of both times I saw it.
Exactly this. First time I saw it was with some friends and I couldn't believe how much I despised the film as it went on. Watched it again on my own to see if it had just been a fluke, had a bad day, etc and ended up hating it more the second time.