Super Freak
I haven't posted a thing in this thread in forever. I was merely commenting on the endless debate over the ST and how Marcia Lucas' comments have spurned a resurgence. Where did I say I agreed with her or that her voice should have merit? I merely commented on how each side always defends themselves when anything new "comes of light".Nope. Only the ST haters need to state the opinions of others in vain attempts to somehow validate their own personal opinions as being "correct." Most of you have absolutely zero confidence in the weight of your own opinions which is why you're are always so ecstatic whenever someone prominent steps out and speaks for you.
But if I can reject the opinions of GEORGE LUCAS regarding the merit of the original theatrical OT (which he hates) do you think I'm gonna give two ***** what Marcia thinks? Please.
Grow a pair and let your opinions stand on their own two feet without pretending that they're anything but subjective. Then I'll respect them.![]()
Frankly I could care less anymore. Like what you like. This has gotten so old.
You wanna love the ST, have at it. You wanna hate the ST, great.
I didn't reference anything you personally said...

Yet you seem to have some hate coming my way...

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia..... The new Martha... "Why'd You Say That Name!!!!!"