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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Some of the stuff they showed:

A scene JJ says is from the beginning of the film:


Lando: ‘Chewie, I’m home’


Son of Darkness (lol remember that?):


Ok, it’s official that Rose and Finn are a thing, because she’s literally wearing his clothes from TLJ:


Rey in a forest, reminds me of TFA:


Last but not least, everyone’s favorite new addition to the series!:

Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Why do they make such ****** Star Wars music now?

Give Williams a break..same composer and conductor since 1970s covering all the trilogies there comes a saturation point to his style where the music loses it’s charm
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Honestly Palpatine coming back puts the ST squarely in "Dark Empire" territory so the "undoing of ROTJ's victory" instantly becomes acceptable to me. Now if they can just explain how Luke's lightsaber ended up in Maz's castle, the nature of Rey's aptitude with the Force, put her through the wringer with a couple nice Luke/Leia/Lando fan-service send-off moments I think this old SW fan will call the whole thing good.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I'm sure I'll like this film more than most but I'm not gonna lie, I hope that TROS wins you over so that we can be high-fiving OT/RO/Alita style. :rock

But...I'm fully aware of how off-putting this entire ST is to some really good peeps here so I won't hold my breath. :duff

TROS = ROTS :wave

Who’s to say The Rise of Skywalker has to be on the light side it can be the Sith hence Palpatine’s laugh can you imagine the climax with an epic duel between Vader and Luke again lol

Here is ironwez when he realized that TROS = ROTS:

Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Stephen Colbert: Hey Oscar, you're Guatemalan. What's it like doing world-press tours, when you're able to speak to the Spanish-speaking press in their own language - How would you describe Poe in Spanish?"

Oscar: "Just like this but in Spanish."
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Stephen Colbert: Hey Oscar, you're Guatemalan. What's it like doing world-press tours, when you're able to speak to the Spanish-speaking press in their own language - How would you describe Poe in Spanish?"

Oscar: "Just like this but in Spanish."

Yep that was the bit I was referring to when I said that Colbert just asked the stupidest question I'd ever heard, lol.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

TROS = ROTS :wave

Who’s to say the rise of Skywalker has to be on the light side it can be the Sith hence Palpatine’s laugh can you imagine the climax with an epic duel between Vader and Luke again lol

Actually one of the complete BS fanboy ‘leaks’ suggested that this was actually going to happen.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Stephen Colbert: Hey Oscar, you're Guatemalan. What's it like doing world-press tours, when you're able to speak to the Spanish-speaking press in their own language - How would you describe Poe in Spanish?"

Oscar: "Just like this but in Spanish."

And he makes fun of Trump's ignorance. :lol