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I'll say it with you man. I'm sure this post will be deleted, but I'll say it: women just can't stand that boys and men have things that they like, and they will systematically shoehorn themselves in to them, get in a position of power, and just gut it like a fish.

It's happened to video games and comic books and sports and movies. Woman are hateful and spiteful and it just burns them up to see boys and men enjoying something without them. So they destroy it.

Im sure too it will be deleted but i saw it :wink1:.
I'll say it with you man. I'm sure this post will be deleted, but I'll say it: women just can't stand that boys and men have things that they like, and they will systematically shoehorn themselves in to them, get in a position of power, and just gut it like a fish.

It's happened to video games and comic books and sports and movies. Woman are hateful and spiteful and it just burns them up to see boys and men enjoying something without them. So they destroy it.

Damn, she must have taken most of your toys in the divorce. Either that or she burned them. :monkey3

you're not wrong tho
I’ve watched the new trailer at least 5 times now. The thrill was not there for me like it used to be. Maybe I’m getting old or something but I really don’t care about Poe, Finn, or Rey. After two movies I still don’t know any of these characters like I did with Luke Han or Leia. At the end of A new Hope I was ready for more adventure and couldn’t wait. At the end of Empire Strikes Back I NEEDED to know what happened next. At the end of The Force Awakens I was interested in where it was going and what Luke was like. I hated that they killed Han Solo, but I knew Harrison Ford had enough of the character. At the end of the Last Jedi I didn’t care where they went because no one had really changed or grew at least to me they hadn’t. I’ll go see Episode 9. At this point after being there since day one in 77 I feel I have to. As of right now I just don’t have an immediate desire to see it. Is this Star Wars fatigue or just a desire for better Star Wars?
I’ve watched the new trailer at least 5 times now. The thrill was not there for me like it used to be. Maybe I’m getting old or something but I really don’t care about Poe, Finn, or Rey. After two movies I still don’t know any of these characters like I did with Luke Han or Leia. At the end of A new Hope I was ready for more adventure and couldn’t wait. At the end of Empire Strikes Back I NEEDED to know what happened next. At the end of The Force Awakens I was interested in where it was going and what Luke was like. I hated that they killed Han Solo, but I knew Harrison Ford had enough of the character. At the end of the Last Jedi I didn’t care where they went because no one had really changed or grew at least to me they hadn’t. I’ll go see Episode 9.

Why? You have zero interest. Why go pay for garbage just out of a sense of obligation? Don't reward these bottomfeeders that destroyed our favorite franchise. Send a message by staying home.
I love how that's the go to insult. You gonna imply that I have a small **** too? That I live in my parents' basement?

Way to follow your programming, NPC.

Not at all. However, you are spouting their rhetoric that " women are ruining everything" .

Don't wanna be thought of as a duck? Don't quack like one.
It's already starting to happen again.

See it, don't see it, who cares. But don't sit and complain about something nobody has even seen yet.

It's a movie. Nobody beat up your sister, or stole your property, or murdered your grandpa.

If you can't find it within yourself to enjoy this, then why perpetuate your obvious misery?

The internet has turned everybody into overbearing, self righteous critics and crybabies. Glad my father never lived to see this crap, he'd be disgusted.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
It's already starting to happen again.

See it, don't see it, who cares. But don't sit and complain about something nobody has even seen yet.

It's a movie. Nobody beat up your sister, or stole your property, or murdered your grandpa.

If you can't find it within yourself to enjoy this, then why perpetuate your obvious misery?

The internet has turned everybody into overbearing, self righteous critics and crybabies. Glad my father never lived to see this crap, he'd be disgusted.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

My thought's mostly, as my father is not one with the force just yet.
I’ve watched the new trailer at least 5 times now. The thrill was not there for me like it used to be. Maybe I’m getting old or something but I really don’t care about Poe, Finn, or Rey. After two movies I still don’t know any of these characters like I did with Luke Han or Leia. At the end of A new Hope I was ready for more adventure and couldn’t wait. At the end of Empire Strikes Back I NEEDED to know what happened next. At the end of The Force Awakens I was interested in where it was going and what Luke was like. I hated that they killed Han Solo, but I knew Harrison Ford had enough of the character. At the end of the Last Jedi I didn’t care where they went because no one had really changed or grew at least to me they hadn’t. I’ll go see Episode 9. At this point after being there since day one in 77 I feel I have to. As of right now I just don’t have an immediate desire to see it. Is this Star Wars fatigue or just a desire for better Star Wars?

True acting ability is still lacking that the new trilogy will never duplicate from the OT .

Let’s face it Ridley, Issacs, and Boyega aren’t the best actors. Sure they can diversify characters in their films but nothing they have done really sticks out. Which goes to show how Harrison is so special that he made us believe he was Han Solo. Even in the TFA, it was a new chapter, but it felt like Han Solo took over the film

As for Hamill, you can tell he put so much into Luke that it was so enjoyable to watch the character’s growth from film to film. And Carrie gave us the idea of a different side of female princess back in a time, were female characters were more of sidekicks in film than standouts

IMO, this is a big factor
Shoe fits syndrome. [emoji38]

Trust me, women aren't that bad.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

Works both ways. You makes assumptions about me and slander me, I can do the same to you. You're obviously just a brainwashed NPC drone that can't think for himself and following your programming, when someone says something that is considered crimethink, you have to lash out.

Why is it that a woman always thinks that the most savage thing she can say to a man is to impugn his cocksmanship?

Shoe fits.
I’ve watched the new trailer at least 5 times now. The thrill was not there for me like it used to be. Maybe I’m getting old or something but I really don’t care about Poe, Finn, or Rey. After two movies I still don’t know any of these characters like I did with Luke Han or Leia. At the end of A new Hope I was ready for more adventure and couldn’t wait. At the end of Empire Strikes Back I NEEDED to know what happened next. At the end of The Force Awakens I was interested in where it was going and what Luke was like. I hated that they killed Han Solo, but I knew Harrison Ford had enough of the character. At the end of the Last Jedi I didn’t care where they went because no one had really changed or grew at least to me they hadn’t. I’ll go see Episode 9. At this point after being there since day one in 77 I feel I have to. As of right now I just don’t have an immediate desire to see it. Is this Star Wars fatigue or just a desire for better Star Wars?

It’s similar for me. I was really looking forward to seeing Rey and Finn and Poe’s story continue in 8. And really, really looking forward to seeing Luke again in 8. That excitement is pretty much all gone now and I’ll be seeing 9 out of morbid curiosity and to see if JJ can bring any real closure to the trilogy for me.
I remember when AOTC was the most hated Star Wars movie and even that movie didn’t damage the brand and divide the fan base like this. Hell it still had its moments.

It did for me.

I had zero interest in SW after PT ......

My interest returned with ST.

So I understand how some feel the same about TLJ and ST.......however I don’t understand how they give the PT a pass.....that trilogy is 90 % garbage.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Works both ways. You makes assumptions about me and slander me, I can do the same to you. You're obviously just a brainwashed NPC drone that can't think for himself and following your programming, when someone says something that is considered crimethink, you have to lash out.

Why is it that a woman always thinks that the most savage thing she can say to a man is to impugn his cocksmanship?

Shoe fits.
If it makes you feel better, think whatever you want about me. doesn't mean anything to me.

I'm not the one making rants about how bad 51% of the population is. But if you want to live in a world without women, be my guest, they probably won't miss you either.

If you can somehow get your head around the idea that women have more to offer the world than just being window dressing, or subjects in your pretend alpha Male fantasies, then you'll have come a long way and be all the better for it.

But don't rattle on about how women have ruined star wars, when the guys ruined it long before the sequel trilogy ever came to be. I'll take these movies over the prequels any day of the week.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
I saw this on Tumblr

They really like showing Rey’s backside in a scene don’t they :lol

Tons of films use this shot for vistas......tumbler is full of wannabe drama queens....

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....