Rey should just have sex will Palpatine, giving the old man a heart attack.
I feel like the above is the reverse shot of the below in some twisted porno...
Rey should just have sex will Palpatine, giving the old man a heart attack.
I feel like the above is the reverse shot of the below in some pretty standard porno...
Cue next wave of double entendres...
Feel The Force *flow* through you.
It?s really quite simple if you?re a true Star Wars fan you?re gonna go see it first show opening night or at the very least opening weekend.
I even read an opinion piece of someone claiming that they are skipping this movie and that if Disney was serious about respecting the SW fans and GL all they had to do was look at the Phantom Menace on how to properly create new SW content that fans can respect.
Anyways admit it Cynical-Gar you already got tickets for opening weekend c?mon now man up like Khev did and admit it that you?re going lol
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But they give us Jannah!
View attachment 469139
By the way, wonder what Disney story person created this enigmatic character...?
View attachment 469140
When you wish upon a star... or have story control.
For me, this trilogy is the Ben Solo/Kylo Ren trilogy. Any other subplots are little more than noise and filler. Everything revolves around him, and Rey is ultimately nothing more than the device to help redeem him and then preserve the Skywalker legacy thereafter. Seeing it play out (and conclude) is the best draw because good character drama is what's most compelling in real cinema (I'm not trying to mimic/channel Scorsese with that). Kylo has increasingly become the best-written and most-nuanced character in the ST. His inner conflict evokes what Anakin's PT character *should* have conveyed (but didn't, imo).
Watching the execution of Kylo's arc coming to an end is what I'll be going to see (though JJ wouldn't be my first choice to write it). Kylo's redemption being a foregone conclusion for most is no different than knowing Anakin's turn in the PT, or even presuming Vader's after ESB. And Ben Solo is the one connected to virtually every major character from the OT. Han and Leia's son; Luke's nephew and student; Anakin's grandson; Palpatine's last hope . . . it all comes down to this one last third-generation character to decide the ultimate legacy of the Skywalkers and their fight with/against Palpatine. Then he needs to die.
Rey is basically just a transition point between Skywalker bloodline and Skywalker legacy. Her relevance is more about the future than the present (which is why I think she'll eventually be brought back). But she wouldn't even matter at all right now if not for Ben/Kylo ("darkness rises, and light to meet it"). Everything she is has a direct connection to Kylo. Every major pivot for her (TFA's "Force vision" and end duel; TLJ's Luke/Ahch-To interactions and throne room drama) are all only possible because Ben Solo turned into Kylo Ren, and needs to be turned back.
The Skywalker Saga can't end until any and all possible descendants of Anakin cease to be. Ben is the last one (after Leia has officially passed in canon). No more Skywalkers for Palpatine to try to seduce. Game over. "Chosen One" lineage ended; prophecy finished; saga concluded. That's the finality I'm looking for. But what Ben/Kylo does before he dies, and maybe even immediately after, is what I'll be most intrigued to watch play out in TROS. Will it have some nobility and depth to it, or will it just be cheesy and forced?
Agreed on Kylo being the most interesting character in the ST by a mile, but I think he was severely hampered by having to be overshadowed by both Rey and Snoke. As the OT proved, it's always wise to have your main antagonist not be the biggest baddie: Vader was Palpatine's lackey, but he was the focus of the action.
She's gone now - got "moved on", and is only a "consultant" now.
She (whoever had the gall to pose for that picture) is the perfect example of why most movies suck. That's the new "development girl". She exemplifies hiring for other reasons than talent. That room should be cluttered with creative inspiring objects and posted with story ideas and storyboards, not look like a kitchen from the food network. Have you ever seen the mess that Stephen King works in? Its awesome.
That photo makes me quite mad... because there are so many creative and talented people who would kill in that position, and yet Disney hires... otherwise.
Have you seen Stallone's work office? It's full of statues, paintings, toys, and merchandise...of himself.![]()
She's gone now - got "moved on", and is only a "consultant" now.