I actually have Hot Toys Kylo and Jakkutrooper from the first film. Not sure what to do with them now. They kind of stick out.
My only ST collectible lol
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There's a canon backstory as to why Mustafar looks different. Short answer is that it had been cooling during the half century since ROTS allowing plants to start growing again (supposedly it was once a lush paradise before some powerful Force chick mucked it up.)
I think the guys Kylo was slaughtering at the beginning might have even been trying to help restore it.
Either way it seems to keep with Disney's tradition of bringing in elements of the PT but in a way that can still be compartmentalized *away* from the PT if you don't want them to be canon.
For instance in RO Mustafar is the only planet shown that doesn't have its name printed in text at the bottom of the screen. So if you just want it to be "Vader's Lava Planet" and not something from the PT you can easily do that.
My only ST collectible lol
I actually have Hot Toys Kylo and Jakkutrooper from the first film. Not sure what to do with them now. They kind of stick out.
There you go, sell it on eBay as an exclusive deleted scene TROS collectible, watch some idiot pay $5000 for it and presto, you have a new budget to buy more hot toys!Buy a cabbage patch doll, put a spider on it, and display it with Kylo.
What do you mean one ST collectible I see two right there.
Poe's ship and Rey's ship, lol.
Is that one of the new ST robots in the middle of the two ships?
What do you mean one ST collectible I see two right there.
Poe's ship and Rey's ship, lol.
Buy a cabbage patch doll, put a spider on it, and display it with Kylo.
Well, I'm glad something helped them come to terms with TLJ.I also enjoy parts of TLJ more than TROS but it also seems for some that TROS actually improved TLJ for them.
I actually think that each of the 3 in the ST have something really great to offer and not so great things to offer.
Look we?re too close to this trilogy.
Once time passes we will all reevaluate from a greater distance.
Proximity tends to plays havoc with emotions and critical analysis.
For me all 3 ST are just like ROTJ meaning I rate all 3 with a 50/50 split, crazy right.
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My only ST collectible lol
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Look we?re too close to this trilogy.
Once time passes we will all reevaluate from a greater distance.
Proximity tends to plays havoc with emotions and critical analysis.
?A bit of a slog to get through?
Man, that ain?t just the prequels. If I?m a person that has never seen Star Wars, I?d definitely think most of the movies were weird garbage. Hell, the OT included. The original Star Wars is dated as ****. If I hadn?t grown up with it and experienced as a kid, there?s no way the adult me would appreciate it. ****in? dated 70s movie with people dressed up in alien costumes and dingy robots drinking blue milk. Little midgets and puppets in every movie, shiieeet.
Is she hot?
Either way it seems to keep with Disney's tradition of bringing in elements of the PT but in a way that can still be compartmentalized *away* from the PT if you don't want them to be canon.
For instance in RO Mustafar is the only planet shown that doesn't have its name printed in text at the bottom of the screen. So if you just want it to be "Vader's Lava Planet" and not something from the PT you can easily do that.
For me all 3 ST are just like ROTJ meaning I rate all 3 with a 50/50 split, crazy right.
Did you pay $100 for that X-Wing?
?A bit of a slog to get through?
Man, that ain?t just the prequels. If I?m a person that has never seen Star Wars, I?d definitely think most of the movies were weird garbage. Hell, the OT included. The original Star Wars is dated as ****. If I hadn?t grown up with it and experienced then as a kid, there?s no way the adult me would appreciate it. ****in? dated 70s movie with people dressed up in alien costumes and dingy robots drinking blue milk. Little midgets and puppets in every movie, shiieeet.
And if you watch it in order from Episode 1 on, forget it. The jump from Rogue One to Star Wars alone would be jarring. You go from one movie with fast paced action and everyone dying to this slow flick where this dude is acting like a child whining to his aunt and uncle on some desert planet. Got **** blowing up in every scene in Rogue One, to some old dudes having a crappy sword fight while the heroes are stuck in a pit with rubber props and a stop motion eyeball closing in around them. Might have captured the imagination of young people 30-40 years ago, but not today.
George?s ?Star Wars is Forever? was a marketing slogan. Star Wars has always been about the toys and the toy sales ain?t doing so well these days.