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I thought the season was good. I did not care for the Mortis episodes too much but i got over it. I'm just happy to watch new Star Wars on a regular basis.

I thought the Wonder-con trailer was good. looking forward to next season.
66 episodes of The Clone Wars have aired now -- "That's a good number. Bad if you're a Jedi," joked Filoni – so just how much longer will the series run? Said Filoni, "George [Lucas] wants a lot more than 66. He keeps quoting a lot of numbers that have 100 in them." Filoni also revealed, "George comes up with all the storylines for The Clone Wars now."
66 episodes of The Clone Wars have aired now -- "That's a good number. Bad if you're a Jedi," joked Filoni – so just how much longer will the series run? Said Filoni, "George [Lucas] wants a lot more than 66. He keeps quoting a lot of numbers that have 100 in them." Filoni also revealed, "George comes up with all the storylines for The Clone Wars now."

:slap:exactly::rotfl :goodpost:

I don't mind the series as long as they are good. 200-500 episodes, its all good! But with George on the line.... No wonder there's Gungans fighting Grievious. But, here's to hoping he do good job!:pray::pray::pray:
So what the heck has poor Ahsoka got to do to prove herself worthy to be knighted? :lol It seems like she's endured much greater challenges than Obi-Wan ever did in TPM.
I dunno. Ahsoka is doing well but I wouldn't think a 15 yr old girl should be a full fledged knight despite her experience.
I think that is the best way to separate the two. If she is a knight she would be off fighting her own battles and would not need to be around for ROTS. Whatever happens to her after Episode three could be determined later but does not need to be addressed in The Clone Wars.
She could die but i just don't think it fits. Whatever happens, it will be difficult to tie his great attachment to Ahsoka with his complete uninvolvement with her in ROTS. Personally i think if Ahsoka dies before then it would be weighing on him heavily in episode 3 which it obviously isnt.

As far as Rex goes, I have been watching season 2 on blu-ray and there was an episode where Rex is injured and he is taken care of by a deserter and his family. I know its controversial to say, but i believe that incident had an impact on him and may lead to him leaving the army later and starting a family. Though its far more likely he will die a heroic death somewhere near the end.
^I've been thinking that that's a possibility too. And it looks like it's Fives reminding him that the war won't go on forever in the season 4 trailer, so maybe they're gonna start showing doubts planted in his mind soon.