Star Wars Live Action and Clone Wars TV shows

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I wonder how Hasbro feels about all of this. All their new toy packaging features AOTC Yoda (based on the now cancelled AOTC 3D) and who knows how many TCW figures and vehicles they had lined up for a show that unceremoniously also got the axe.

Probably relieved. Now they can focus on one type of figure only (the realistic versions) and quit making 2 lines of figures.
Clone Wars closes up shop:


(based on the now cancelled AOTC 3D)

No more 3D conversions? I heard that TPM wasn't a good conversion but I was kind of interested in seeing the Kamino Obi-Wan vs Jango battle and asteroid chase in 3D.

I stopped watching the Clone Wars a while back. But I just watched one of the recent episodes on demand just because they messed with one of my favorite characters. I saw something that should have been in Episode 3. When Anakin has those droids on his ship, he uses the force to push them off. Back in 2005, I thought why didn't Obi-Wan do that in the opening of Episode 3? I think one day someone will write a book about how George Lucas managed to upset a bunch of classic Star Wars fans and make the Jedi look like chumps (in the words of Samuel Jackson, who by the way still didn't get a good death scene).

Anyway, besides the obvious foreshadowing that's still going on in this show. It still looks cool. The virtual room with the Jedi temple explosion was cool. I'm going to watch the rest of the episodes tomorrow. Maybe even go back and see the episodes that I missed a few seasons back.
I stopped watching the Clone Wars a while back. But I just watched one of the recent episodes on demand just because they messed with one of my favorite characters. I saw something that should have been in Episode 3. When Anakin has those droids on his ship, he uses the force to push them off. Back in 2005, I thought why didn't Obi-Wan do that in the opening of Episode 3? I think one day someone will write a book about how George Lucas managed to upset a bunch of classic Star Wars fans and make the Jedi look like chumps (in the words of Samuel Jackson, who by the way still didn't get a good death scene).

That's always been a flaw with Star Wars. The Jedi are so powerful (seeing the future, sensing when something is wrong, moving things with a wave of their hands) that they're often de-powered when the plot demands it.
Just watched the Filoni clip...

We knew the show was going to end...I had always hoped they would at least get a full season to wrap things up....well, here's hoping that whatever happens (BR, on line, Diz Channel, whatever) that they at least get to wrap up the loose ends.

It's the least Lucasfilm can do to reward the fans who have supported this show from the beginning....give us the end of this one before moving on to the next big "thing".

That clip from the whatever future episode is was great...let's see more!
i would love to see more Clone Wars... but leaving the rest up to one's imagination isn't such a bad thing. the season 5 finale seemed like a suitable ending...
Honestly, the thing I'll miss the most about this show was the art direction. It was visually impressive, and got better and better every season.
That sucks that the Clone Wars won't be back.
I hope this doesn't mean there won't be a Blu-Ray release for season 5!
I need it to finish off my collection.
If the show is so successful why cancell it?
I mean it's not a crap show like Here Comes
Honey BooBoo that should never have been made!!!