Star Wars Live Action and Clone Wars TV shows

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1. It's a very expensive show to produce

2. If it were to continue Disney would air it on one if their own networks. This means no licensing revenue from Cartoon Network (Time Warner), thus making the show even more costly.

3. Disney & New Lucasfilm have obvious plans for the franchise & brand, and that clearly involves closing the door on prequel-era stuff for the foreseeable future.
I hadn't thought about this before but I wonder how thus will effect SSC releasing PT era figures in 1:6 like Dooku or HT's rumored Anakin figure.
Hmm... I suppose it just depends on how far down the development pipeline they are. I doubt LFL will halt production of merchandise that is already in the works, but you never know.

More likely, they're just sending a message to licensees that they probably need to start focusing on OT era stuff and also prepare for EP7 and beyond.

But I'm sure they're more concerned about stories, shows, games, etc. than the toys right now. It wouldn't surprise me to see the "Star Wars: 1313" game suddenly be put in turnaround soon, too.

Some of us wanted a clean slate when it comes to SW, and we're apparently getting just that, for better or worse. It's gonna be interesting.
they said another animated series is already in works with a timeline never been touched before..

.. Oh how I pray it will be the KOTOR time line with an animation like the cinematic game trailer of the games...

I'll be curious to see how basically trying to distance themselves from the PT works with younger SW fans. These will be kids that grew up liking the PT as much as older folks like the OT.
I'll be curious to see how basically trying to distance themselves from the PT works with younger SW fans. These will be kids that grew up liking the PT as much as older folks like the OT.

It's their turn to see how it feels to ride in the back of the bus for a while I guess. :lol
I'm so excited to see how Disney handles upcoming blu-ray releases. I could really see them reverently releasing each OT film on its own, complete with original theatrical edition.
3. Disney & New Lucasfilm have obvious plans for the franchise & brand, and that clearly involves closing the door on prequel-era stuff for the foreseeable future.

I'm good with that. It's been 14 years and I'm ready to move on.

I feel a little like I did back when the PT went into pre-production, except that it seems like we'll already be familiar with most of the cast since all the heavyweights (no pun against Carrie) seem to be in discussions for VII.
I feel a little like I did back when the PT went into pre-production,

Not me. I was so hungry to see a state of the art epic in 1999 but at the time there was a MASSIVE draught of such movies between ROTJ and TPM. We had what, Stargate, The Fifth Element and Indepence Day? Nobody seemed to be making good on the new technology. TPM appeared poised to change all that. And then it was what it was....

But since then we've had LOTR, HP (which I'm not that into but still,) Avatar, new Star Trek, Avengers, The Hobbit, etc., etc. There's no real "need" for a new SW trilogy other than to simply cleanse the palette of the PT.
But since then we've had LOTR, HP (which I'm not that into but still,) Avatar, new Star Trek, Avengers, The Hobbit, etc., etc. There's no real "need" for a new SW trilogy other than to simply cleanse the palette of the PT.

That's what it feels like more than anything to be honest. The thing I'm not sure Disney has taken into account is I don't think they will be able to appease the OT era fans. Even with OT characters mixed back in I think these films will still get torn apart. Maybe not as bad as the PT but my gut feeling is they will.
That's what it feels like more than anything to be honest. The thing I'm not sure Disney has taken into account is I don't think they will be able to appease the OT era fans. Even with OT characters mixed back in I think these films will still get torn apart. Maybe not as bad as the PT but my gut feeling is they will.

Especially here on the Freaks board. :lol:rotfl :lecture
While the OT fans are the most vocal, I honestly don't think they matter as much as they think they do. These movies will no doubt try to appease them but I hope Disney doesn't try to throw them too many bones just for the sake of it and ruining it with too many homages from the OT.

Those "fans" have been disgruntled since the 90's and hate everything Star Wars except Knights of the Old Republic anyway, so they should just do the story they feel is best.
I'm so excited to see how Disney handles upcoming blu-ray releases. I could really see them reverently releasing each OT film on its own, complete with original theatrical edition.

Like Harmy? Hopefully YES because Disney will restore and release the original OT and there won't be a need for fan restorations ever again...

Going to have to wait a loooong time for that unless they can come to an agreement with Fox even then they don't have access to the original films to restore them.

Fox owns distribution rights to the original Star Wars, No. 4 in the series, in perpetuity in all media worldwide. And as for the five subsequent movies, Fox has theatrical, nontheatrical and home video rights worldwide through May 2020.

One of the first reactions yesterday across the Internet was rejoicing about the Disney/Lucasfilm deal because fans immediately assumed that Disney would make all their dreams come true of a Blu-ray release for the unaltered original 1977 version of "A New Hope."

Well, don't hold your breath.

Home video rights are a tricky thing, and in this case, fans can be forgiven for their immediate assumption. After all, Disney bought Lucasfilm, right? The problem is that there are existent deals in place concerning the first six films and the "Clone Wars" television series that aren't going to suddenly change just because of this sale. Those obligations are going to be playing themselves out for several years to come.

In the case of the "Star Wars" movies, the earliest Disney would have a chance to release anything would be in the year 2020, and even then, they aren't going to have the rights to "A New Hope," which remain with Fox permanently. Now, sure, companies can work out deals to release movies that other studios made. The new James Bond box set, for example, is a Fox release even though MGM is the studio that has made those movies and Sony is currently releasing the new titles. And the Alfred Hitchcock box that just came out from Universal features several Paramount and MGM titles as well. It's certainly not unheard of, and I'm sure Disney would love to work it out.

But what fans have to accept at some point is that George Lucas very simply does not want to release the 1977 version of the film. Not now. Not ever. You don't have to like it, but you do have to accept it because all the grumbling in the world won't change that. I sat behind Lucas at a screening of the 1977 film at the Egyptian theater once, and as he realized that the print they were showing was the original unaltered version and not a special edition, he began to sink lower and lower in his chair, his discomfort visible. He was in physical agony by the end of the screening, and he spoke afterwards about how hard it is for him to look at that version of the film. He has said several times that the original cut doesn't exist anymore, and while that's not technically correct, he's the one who would have to deliver the elements to any company preparing a new Blu-ray version. If he won't give them the original 1977 cut, there's no Blu-ray that can be done. Disney can't just whip one up out of thin air.

We may well see that original version again at some point, but it will be in one of two cases. First, Lucas may change his mind someday. Maybe he'll finally see the historical value in doing it, or maybe he'll finally decide to reach out to fans and give them what they want. The second scenario is, of course, that after his death, we may finally see someone put the unaltered version out. But until he's ready to do it, no business deal on Earth is going to force his hand. What I find most fascinating about all this is how fans are already getting hung up on ephemera like whether or not the 20th Century Fox fanfare will be on the front of the new films (it will not) and whether they finally get the Blu-ray they want (not yet), instead of talking about what could be one of the best creative moments for the series, this infusion of fresh voices and perspectives into a universe that is already larger and more richly imagined than almost any other fantasy universe on film.

I would honestly advise anyone who is an active fan to let go of the past and start looking forward instead. And if you're already sick of the series, then those new films aren't for you, and there's no real reason to spend any time or energy griping about them. "Star Wars" woke up a sense of wonder in me at the age of seven, and I saw it do the same to my kids when we shared the six films together. I'm baffled by how many Veruca Salts there are out there who claim to be fans but who basically spend all their time and energy complaining about every choice made after a certain point. It's exhausting, isn't it?
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