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It's probably the most poorly developed little plot line in all of the prequels, and that's why I'm excited to learn more about him. Yeah, he's in Darth Plagueis, but I'd like to see some G-level canon talk about him a little.

When I first heard his name in AOTC, I was fully convinced that it was just Sidious (just take out the -fo and you've got it), but ever since then, it's been confirmed that he was a real Jedi.

That's why I'm excited as well. Didn't realize he was in Darth Plagueis, I really have to read this book.

The one sad part is that anything involving Palpatine now will not have Ian Abercrombie :(
I never knew it was Sifo Dyas...

I always thought it was Syfadias or Syphadias, or Siphadias...

Honestly, I never really understood that whole backstory. I think I need to read up on it in the EU somewhere...

Me too. Very interested! :lecture

Honeslty me as well, everytime I watch AotC my favorite part is Kamino and the whole search with Obi-Wan but to this day I'm still not clear.

A Jedi ordered it Syfo Dyas and he was asked by Palpatine (as chancelor I think), but then they mention Darth Tyrannius (Dooku) and Dooku is of course not aware of the clones, at least I don't think so....
Anyway that's why the arc is very exciting to me, it's a chance for a very cool arc and it could answer some questions.

Yep, that whole part was a head-scratcher for me as well.

I'm sure one of the Star Wars experts could provide an answer though.

I doubt it, since there really is no answer. Or no canon official answer. I don't think even Georgie knows.

It's probably the most poorly developed little plot line in all of the prequels, and that's why I'm excited to learn more about him. Yeah, he's in Darth Plagueis, but I'd like to see some G-level canon talk about him a little.

When I first heard his name in AOTC, I was fully convinced that it was just Sidious (just take out the -fo and you've got it), but ever since then, it's been confirmed that he was a real Jedi.

Ha, brilliant! Sifo Dyas is just a clone of Sidious that likes pho. :lol


I always thought that it was just a case of mangling the name or giving a slightly altered name to give the Jedi's a trail of crumbs to follow.

* Cracks knuckles *

I ACTUALY know the answer to this one.

First and foremot, in the script it's Sifodias. He HAD And YES this was a typo that George missed for a while, then caught it and decided he liked it, and left it in, deciding to keep it vague, and let the EU fill this in. He talkes about it on one of the numerpous interviews he's done . I'm sure it's on the Bluerays somewhere.

He had intended it to Be Sidous, but an oops created a totaly new character.

The folowing is a summmary of what happend as far as the EU is concerned, and comes from information in several short stories, comics, and novels, but not al in one contained source.
As it stands RIGHT NOW, Jedi MAster Syfo Dias was a IMMENSELY POWERFUL Jedi Seer, with tremendous;y powerful force visions of the future. He was also a lifelong friend of Dooku. He foresaw the coming of the sith, and the war with the sepratists. He saw the Jedi would be wiped out in the coming war, becuase their numbers were FAR too few. He Also knew the Jedi would not want a standing army to be made, and would allow their own burrocracy to be their unmaking. Having a similar rebellious streak to Dooku and Qui-go, he was willing to go behind the backs of the REST of the councel, as he himself was on it. HOWEVER, he needed freedom to act. on a particularly periouls mission, he finds an opportunity to not come back, effectively faking his own death, and does so.

He then goes to Kamino, and places the order for the clones. They need a "prime" to make the clones from, so Syfo Dias seeks the councel of his lifelong friend, Dooku.
By this time, Dooku is ALREADY A Sith Lord, Darth Tyranus. once they meet in person, ( this part I'm not so clear on) Either Dias REalizes his friend is a sith lord, and they fight, leaving Dias mortaly wounded, or Dooku poisions him. I'm not certian which is the official version. I've heard both. Either way, Dias ends up in a stasis pod as Dooku's prisoner, as He finds himself unable to kill his lifelong friend. Dooku then goes to his master, Darth Sidious, and tells him all of this. The clone army is then integrated into the great plan, and Tyranus is left in charge of finding a candidate to make the clones from.

The story of Tyranus finding Jango fett is detailed in the Playstaion 2 game Star wars: Bounty Hunter.

... I think It's time for a new User Name Subtitle.
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Yup. Originaly, it was meant to be "Jedi Master Sidious". and obi-wan would have reacted with some flavor of " I have never heard of him".

Once Lucas Caught the typo, he decided he liked it, and left it in, tweaking the scene accordingly.
Bounty Hunter is actualy a pretty solid game. it's one of the BETTER Star Wars Games out there.
Good Story, Good Gameplay, and actualy fun.
I think one of the comics goes on to say that once syfo Dias was captured it was his blood that was pumped into general Grevious which gave GG a sensitivity to the force. ...I think that was in one of the dark horse comics.
I found Bounty hunter to be a rather fun game. Always wished they had done a sequel with Boba.

Bounty Hunter is actualy a pretty solid game. it's one of the BETTER Star Wars Games out there.
Good Story, Good Gameplay, and actualy fun.

hmm really? I might have to track it down then.

I think one of the comics goes on to say that once syfo Dias was captured it was his blood that was pumped into general Grevious which gave GG a sensitivity to the force. ...I think that was in one of the dark horse comics.

This whole conversation made me pick up my Tales of the Jedi comics last night :wave
I think one of the comics goes on to say that once syfo Dias was captured it was his blood that was pumped into general Grevious which gave GG a sensitivity to the force. ...I think that was in one of the dark horse comics.

KINDA Right. It was an experiment to TRY to give Grevious force sensativity. It Failed.