One thing I will say though, the clone wars had some excellent starship designs. I'm not seeing that in rebels at all yet.
that last episode was bad... just bad.. for an adult to watch....
I agree. Great starship designs throughout CW and most of them original. With Rebels, I get the nod to McQuarrie's vision and trying to blend it into the beginning of SW, but you can't use concept art for every single design.
Damn straight ...I enjoyed it tooI am 41 and I enjoyed it.
I think I'd go as far as to say that was my favorite episode of Rebels so far..
Reasons why I think this episode was bad...
1.just send down some Tie fighters and bomb them down..why going through the hustle with those slow AT-ATs....this was feeling so forced to show AT-AT at the show
2. they talk about scanners in orbit but no scanners to find them in the sandstorm ?
3. Same with the Cat and mouse play in the storm.. didnt felt realistic to me at all.
To sum it up.. to me it was clearly a kids episode..what is fine with me. But season opener and season 1 finale are the best so far.. I hope its not dropping now in excitement because thats whats happening to me right now
So it's got to be obvious that they will do what CW did and start shoehorning boba fett and maul and cad bane into these seasons. Maybe one big bad per season like how CW had boba end out season 2, savage in 3, maul in 4, etc
All valid reasons to be bugged. Me, I just have fun. I don't try to analyze things too deeply (not that there is anything wrong with that).