yeah that's an understatement for sure! 

She's not "problematic" and she doesn't "have to die".It's already problematic that Ahsoka is supposed to exist during EPISODE III. It would be downright foolish if she's still alive during the time of the OT.
This is the problem with contrived characters like that. Forcing them into existing continuity after the fact does not work.
She has to die. But Filloni and this show apparently don't have the balls to do it. Shame.
After her powerful showdown with her former master, Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader, the fate of Ahsoka Tano was left in question. Is she alive? Is she dead? Unsurprisingly, since her fate was left ambiguous on the show, Filoni wouldn’t give an answer. But he would say this: “I’ve already been devising certain specifics around the future of that character, where she is, what’s happening, if she dies, how would she survive if she did? All of those questions. I think they eventually need to be answered—but I wouldn’t look to that, frankly, anytime soon.”
Dave Filoni commented about Ahsoka's fate...
The Producer of Star Wars Rebels Answers Your Burning Questions About That Epic Finale and Beyond
Or in in layman's terms, she's brings in too much money from her demographic that we can't definitely kill her off, so we'll just write her off for now so we can keep pumping out her merchandise.
Maul had those legs in clone wars didn't he? By season 5.
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They can't seem to make their minds up about Maul. First he dies in Ep. 1, then he has robot-spider legs in CW, now he has either spontaneously grown new legs, or found much better cybernetic legs than before.
@ flying Sith, when I saw that, all I could think of was Mary Poppins.
.....I kind of thought they did kill off Ashoka... they just chose to make it all off-screen and 'artsy'. It is a damn shame, for almost 55 minutes I was thinking Rebels was actually finally living up to its namesake. Then with that unsatisfying ending. Why do they have to slap Vader around... cmon!!!! Can't Vader get ONE, just ONE walk off victory?
Oh well.
He got his "normal legs" from a Mother Talzin crazy ritual.