Well that's a given for us here
My Star Wars fandom is not the same as you chaps.
Well that's a given for us here
My Star Wars fandom is not the same as you chaps.
Well good Spiderman is better than bad Star Wars in my book, I would say that much. I'm just not that much of a Star Wars loyalist.
So anyways.. About the Spider-man trilogy comparison to the PT..
I see what Jye is saying there. It would have been awesome if they built the relationship with Anakin, Obi Wan and Padme as good as SM trilogy did with their core three.
If GL pulled that off I would have been able to look past every other issue. Even the goofy acting. With a solid relationship created it would have made ROTS epic. Making Anakin a child also made it difficult to fully get invested with his character because you also ended up changing actors... So it there was that issue also.
But it is what it is.
Lol now the OT elitists are saying there is no relationship between the 3 main characters in ROTS. It is there in spades but you are just too blind to see it.
You had Poe and Rey literally meeting each other for the first time at the end of TLJ, which is 2/3 of the way through the trilogy. In the next movie they are all best of friends. Must have been there in spades off screen.
My bad. Had another tab open talking about TROS and got conversations mixed up.Dude I said ROTS as in Revenge of the Sith. No Poe or Rey in there...
Lol now the OT elitists are saying there is no relationship between the 3 main characters in ROTS. It is there in spades but you are just too blind to see it.
There is literally no relationship in the ST at all. I cannot for the life of me fathom how anyone can diss ROTS and turn around and say the ST had depth and relationships between characters.
Rey and kylo was cringy as all hell. Absolutely twilight level crap.
Rey and finn was absolutely dumb. They barely know each other
Poe abd Rey. What relationship? They barely speak to each other .
It?s just mind boggling watching the same 5 ST fans complain about ROTS while the glaring issues of the ST are just as big if not bigger. And there excuse is well muh OT characters are in so it gets a pass. Derp!
It?s hilarious that they don?t realize that they keep bringing up the PT and comparing it cause they know deep down the PT is better so they are sooooooooooo desperately trying to convince themselves that ST is good and PT is bad and bring up all these points when the ST did it just as bad and sometimes even worse .
Why not tell us how we are wrong and that the PT really had great characters and relationship building. Good luck![]()