Re: Here so as not to further derail the Mando S3 Gideon thread...
... S3 kinda killed my passion for the show. I blame Luke.
Once you bring a Skywalker into the mix (particularly Luke) every other character comes off as an also-ran sidekick and there's very little air left in the room for anyone else. Best thing that ever happened to The Mandalorian might also prove to be the worst thing for future seasons
To the contrary I feel Luke's appearances in Disney canon; Last Jedi and Mando was a disservice to
his character, and ultimately served to diminish him. Where he came off as an also-ran, useless side character, completely degraded just to make the derivative Disney and now Favroniverse characters look better.
Although admittedly Luke's first Mando appearance, seeing the strong and hope-filled Luke we once knew, and imagined into the future, was great!
Once it registers that him saving Grogu, is just a reminder all his recruits will be killed. As per Disney Luke is the ultimate hopeless coward, and failed Jedi.
Realizing this, they had Luke quickly (LW&C nod aside) force Grogu an ultimatum, which betrayed everything Luke learned and was, and just as callously dispense with him, which again made Luke look like a complete failure, as per Disney canon.
When the question among the fan base becomes “who does ‘The Mandalorian’ reference?” the show has lost its way. ...
How "This is the Way", so easily transitioned to "Lost it's Way"
Clearly "The Mandalorian" refers to Grogu, who will inevitably get his ridiculous tiny armor, then tame and ride the mighty Mythosaur!
Kidding, yeah I think Bo Katan has been set up for that and Mando (who literally sunk like a useless stone, in the Living Waters, and in his own show), is just there to watch her.
I think it's clear Filoni and his KK approved fem-force have become the main drive and focus of the franchise.
Luckily several of those characters are really great! And they are all better than Ezra.
Favreu should have bowed out with his fantastic S2 finally. Which for a glorious second, read as a new canon for a hopeful Luke and imagined future.
Then you are quickly reminded, oh right, Disney Luke is a crap different character.
LOL rant.