Star Wars ship

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Broad Arrow

Feb 3, 2007
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What is the definitive Star Wars ship? Millenium Falcon, X-Wing or the Tie Fighter?
The Slave I, of course.

tomandshell, thank you for the welcome :) And thank you also for the replies. I'm just starting out. I just placed an order for a SS Jaws, 20 Rocky and the 1/4 Endoskeleton. And I'm dreaming of the MR Star Trek Enterprise and a Star Wars ship (the reason I'm asking this question). Thanks, guys.
If you're dreaming of the MR Enterprise, then stay with MR and dream of the Studio Scale Falcon replica. I saw it at SDCC and almost cried because I have neither the space nor the money to order one. But that is the crown jewel of Star Wars ships.


Well, right behind this one:

I would have to say that of all the Code 3 vehicles, Slave 1 is my favorite.

Tom, is that still the Photoshopped Chewbacca? :lol
Batty said:
I would have to say that of all the Code 3 vehicles, Slave 1 is my favorite.

Tom, is that still the Photoshopped Chewbacca? :lol

Chewie is now in his rightful place, but I have yet to take a new picture.

The MRs are what I like but for the Star Wars ship, I think I will have to go with the X-Wing since I assume that it will be "cheaper" and it will give me time to save before its release. At over $2K, the Falcon is just too expensive for me.

tomandshell said:
If you're dreaming of the MR Enterprise, then stay with MR and dream of the Studio Scale Falcon replica. I saw it at SDCC and almost cried because I have neither the space nor the money to order one. But that is the crown jewel of Star Wars ships.


Well, right behind this one:

Millenium Falcon

99% of the world would have no clue what the Slave 1 is.

I agree.

I was disobedient and posted my favorite ship instead of the definitive Star Wars ship, which is what he asked for. I think most of us would agree that the Falcon is the "definitive" ship in the Star Wars saga. The Slave I has always been my personal favorite ship design, but the Falcon is the most iconic and recognized--although I would argue that Luke's X-Wing is a very close second that some people would recognize before the Falcon.
I would choose the Death Star myself, because isn't it still some type of ship since they travel in it lol. :monkey1
It's funny how the Millennium Falcon is so popular, it was built and designed in like a week because they were originally going to use the Blockade Runner as the Millennium Falcon but changed their minds.

But I have to say the Millennium Falcon is very iconic.